positive thinker in a sentence

Use “positive thinker” in a sentence | “positive thinker” example sentences

1- Daniels is a positive thinker .

2- It is clear that we need to be sanguine and to be a positive thinker .

3- He’s a pretty positive thinker , and failing for so long doesn’t get him down.

4- Become a positive thinker !

5- Meyer, like Seligman, notes that such unrealistic thinking by a positive thinker could easily be fatal.

6- More positive thinkers , can dispel the myth faulting & folding in subsurface do not have leads for oil industry.

7- People who live in the Flow and in Alignment are more than just positive thinkers – they are attraction in action.

8- His main teaching, sent out in a course of letters over a period of several weeks, was published in a book entitled The Master Key System . This book apparently influenced famed positive thinker Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich , as well as many other writers of like-minded books.

9- Another is a biography “History of fasts of Anna hazare” and the last is “easy practice to become positive thinker “.

10- My credibility is 100%, 760-242-9514 and of course I will not hear from you and this will not go through although I am a positive thinker .

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