positive net worth in a sentence

Use “positive net worth” in a sentence | “positive net worth” example sentences

1- If you have more than you owe, you have a positive net worth .

2- If your assets exceed your liabilities (well done!) you have a positive net worth .

3- For example, did you know that in 2009, 20% of households reported to have no positive net worth ?

4- A positive value means you have a positive net worth , and a negative value means you have some work to do.

5- I don’t think it is that stunning that many households have no positive net worth , seeing that student loans and other types of debt are piled on in the young phases of life while earnings are still low.

6- Both Fannie and Freddie had positive net worth as of the date of the takeover, meaning the value of their assets exceeded their liabilities.

7- Since June 2011 , I have paid off more than $22,000 of my debt, saved a little bit on the side and even reached a positive net worth .

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