Use “positive thought” in a sentence | “positive thought” example sentences
1- They are winners and winning inspires positive thought .
2- A mental diet involves only thinking positive thoughts .
3- I call it positive thought immersion therapy!
4- Only allow yourself to think positive thoughts !
5- positive thoughts and positive statements get positive results.
6- positive thoughts really do help improve your life overall.
7- A positive thought drives off a negative one.
8- Every denomination offered their positive thoughts and prayers.
9- Only positive thoughts should be turned into a mantra.
10- Take a deep breath and think positive thoughts .
11- Treatment of physical symptoms with positive thoughts and statements was.
12- How might you change these to more positive thoughts ?
13- Let’s try and have positive thoughts .
14- Keep sending her your positive thoughts and prayers.
15- The medicine and your prayer and positive thoughts are working!
16- Thinking positive means choosing to fill your mind with positive thoughts .
17- Fuel your determination with positive thoughts and keep moving forward.
19- Shift from negative thoughts toward it, to positive thoughts .
20- Both are surrounded by positive thoughts and prepare so no problems.
21- positive thoughts and positive actions can only lead to positive results.
22- Let our positive thoughts destroy all evil in the world!
23- Keep holding positive thoughts , keep affirming, and continue visualizing.
24- The rebirthers believe that positive thoughts can have similar effects.
25- positive thoughts and vibes being sent her way.
26- So I have positive thoughts about both of them.
27- positive thoughts attract more positive thoughts.
28- positive thoughts attract more positive thoughts .
29- Water is cleansed by removing negativity – and blessed with positive thoughts .
30- This is actually an ideal, a positive thought or philosophical principle.
31- Dismiss any negative thoughts and substitute them with positive thoughts .
32- Think positive thoughts as much possible.
33- Highly spiritual healing and positive thought .
34- All successful recovery programs hinge on maintaining a healthy inventory of positive thoughts .
35- positive thoughts e.g., I can do it.
36- Stay in the moment with positive thought “All is Well”.
37- You might actually have a positive thought … at least maybe one.
38- I had positive thoughts for 2014 and was wearing my rose-coloured glasses.
39- Best to spend the energy on positive thought rather than negative introspection .
40- Love and positive thoughts create success.
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