positive proof in a sentence

Use “positive proof” in a sentence | “positive proof” example sentences

1- Have you got any positive proof that she took the money?

2- We have no positive proof of her guilt.

3- His shed blood is positive proof that a death has taken place.

4- The fact that attempts are made to restore it is positive proof .

5- positive proof could not be obtained.

6- I read the evidence, there was no positive proof who started it.

7- A heartfelt lament and positive proof that Morrissey’s voice is indeed a valuable instrument.

8- Is this positive proof that the Trinity owes it origins to paganism and philosophy?

9- However, this still does not amount to positive proof that Theon’s account is historically accurate.

10- That ‘s a fairly good negative proof, but the absence is hardly a good positive proof .

11- No, not until they have positive proof or evidence of the evil(s) befalling their community.

12- There is no such thing as a positive proof of a scientific theory, because science is not like mathematics.

13- Is this positive proof that the Christian Trinity descended from the ancient Sumerian, Assyrian, and Babylonian triads?

14- Here again, because positive proof is not available, I can only offer you my own theories for your consideration.

15- Whatever they do, parking in the city, driving a truck, shopping for gas or in case of an accident, only objective dosing devices and efficient technical solutions ensure positive proof before the law.

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