Use “positive role model” in a sentence | “positive role model” example sentences
1- They can establish themselves as positive role models .
2- Say a big hello to the positive role model .
3- Goal driven “F” students need exposure to positive role models .
4- In contrast are individuals who were not guided by positive role models .
5- positive role models were listed by 285 respondents (340 comments).
6- You’ll be a very positive role model for them.
7- They are the positive role models .
8- Goku has often been deemed a positive role model for children throughout Japan.
9- Johnson cited Brown for being a positive role model to the youth.
10- She has always tried to be a positive role model to young women.
11- Marcus Brody acts as Indiana’s positive role model at the college.
12- It also provides young people with positive role models and a positive atmosphere.
13- It helps to keep good company and be surrounded by positive role models .
14- Kristian needs a home where he can have strong, positive role models .
15- Scout leaders can be positive role models for the members of the troop.
16- Encourage targeted children to play with children who can serve as positive role models .
17- We can continue to provide mentors and encourage people to become positive role models .
18- Our Instructors serve as positive role models , while teaching and within the community.
19- A working mother, proponents assert, provides a positive role model for her children.
20- Be a positive role model .
21- Be a positive role model .
22- Is a positive role model .
23- It also teaches about World War II and The characters are very positive role models .
24- Their need for positive role models is, I suppose, irrelevant to the Scouts.
25- Coward was not, to use a rather tired phrase, a positive role model .
26- The ISPCC’s mentoring programme provides positive role models and support to children and families nationwide.
27- They also serve as positive role models for youth, particularly black and Latino young men.
28- I wanted to excel so that I could serve them as a positive role model .
29- Develop ongoing relationships with caring adults and older youth who serve as positive role models . 5.
30- All in all, the “elderly martial arts master” is a positive role model archetype.
31- Such a positive role model .
32- Few Ys have teacher training at the primary level, leaving young Ys without positive role models .
33- It’s fair to say that many young teens find Demi Lovato a very positive role model .
34- Clearly, mentors would need to have experienced similar life situations to act as a positive role model .
35- BROTHER now plan a series of school seminars aimed at presenting a positive role model for black children.
36- In doing so they bring income into the community and provide positive role models for friends and neighbours .
37- MC Hammer said, “I make an active effort to remain a positive role model to kids.
38- Counselling, the provision of positive role models and other techniques may be introduced at an early stage.
39- Teachers also fulfill a child’s need for a positive role model when the family fails to provide one.
40- They don’t have positive role models to look up to and the industry is all they have.
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