false positive in a sentence

Use “false positive” in a sentence | “false positive” example sentences

1- The false positive rate is incredibly low.

2- Most reported genetic associations with general intelligence are probably false positives .

3- These instances are termed as ” false positives “.

4- The chance of false positive is very small .

5- Stress detectors unfortunately are prone to false positive results .

6- In general, both provide identical false positive suppression mechanisms.

7- The main problem with this test is false positives .

8- Limitations exist with regard to false positive results.

9- The price paid is all the false positives .

10- The problem of false positives is still a considerable difficulty.

11- false positives and false negatives can occur.

12- false negatives and false positives are significant issues in medical testing.

13- Detection algorithms of all kinds often create false positives .

14- This collaboration results in improved detection rates and lower false positives .

15- Controls are necessary to avoid false positive or false negative results.

16- Most reported associations of genes with intelligence are false positive results.

17- I am betting her mailbox is overwhelmed with false positives .

18- Any attempt to predict would produce many false positives .

19- Can these devices provide inaccurate or false positive readings?

20- The probability of false positive is __FORMULA__.

21- And yet, history has shown countless examples of false positives .

22- And it also offers lots of false positive suppression mechanisms .

23- Are false positives an issue with these devices?

24- The table says nothing about the functionality of false positive suppression.

25- The totals for groups are corrected when necessary for false positives .

26- false positives occur almost 5 percent of the time.

27- In the trade, these are called false positives .

28- A false positive in the Bloom filter.

29- It is a typical false positive for a disk scanning utility.

30- This means that a sensor may give false positives .

31- Second, it is prone to false positives .

32- These errors are called false positives or Type I errors.

33- This is called a ‘ false positive ‘.

34- Strategies implemented to determine quality control and false positive rates were implemented.

35- PCR tests are susceptible to false positive results from poor laboratory technique.

36- Static analysis generating too many false positives is not a crucial problem.

37- Use of a triple photometer eliminates many false positive signals.

38- I’ve not seen a false positive in months.

39- It’s *very* unlikely to get a false positive .

40- However, this method of respiration may also produce false positives .

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