plots in a sentence

Use ‘plots’ in a sentence | ‘plots’ example sentences

1- The city has designated some unused land for public garden plots in the area.

2- I don’t really like the average Hollywood movie.

3- They generally have such cliché plots, and they usually end predictably with a happy ending.

4- He said Britain’s security forces had thwarted six plots in the past year.

5- At the beginning of 2015 the total of 145 citizens were entitled to free land plots.

6- During his retirement two plots to assassinate him were thwarted and he took up painting.

7- As you can see by the FOMC dot plots, most of the FOMC members want to raise rates this year.

8- Since 1995, only 226 Muslims were buried in the designated plots in the city-owned cemeteries.

9- Between them they had six children and they based a lot of their plots on their own home lives.

10- But he said the number of “crude but potentially deadly plots” MI5 was facing had also increased.

11- Assistant FBI Director Shawn Henry joins to talk about cybersecurity and thwarted July 4th plots.

12- Wiretapped conversations exposed plots that targeted the United States, the Moldovan officials said.

13- Next, we are instructed to calculate the area of the square plots on the sides and add them together.

14- Begrudged over the loss, Kaiba plots a revenge.

15- In some cases, for a writer to invent their own plots was reproached as presumptuous.

16- On some box plots a crosshatch is placed on each whisker, before the end of the whisker.

17- They played British airmen and Nazi officers covering the two comic-book plots in the game.

18- Themes, plots and settings A 17th century woodblock print of a scene from a play on the Kunlun Nu story.

19- Alby finds out about the conspiracy and with his wife Lura ( Anne Dudek ) he slowly plots a calculating vengeance.

20- Being rivals for the favor of the Tree Demon, Butterfly plots to capture the monk and expose her sister’s betrayal.

21- Hence, in principle, Kohn-Sham based DFT is not a band theory, i.e., not a theory suitable for calculating bands and band-plots.

22- Summary A diagram showing a simple Easement by Prior Use example. There are two plots (a and b); once a single plot and now separated.

23- Uncropped plots at least 2 ha in size provide nesting habitat, and are located in suitable arable fields, which provide additional foraging habitat.

24- Mackenzie plots are a one-dimensional representation of the MD plotting the relative frequency of the misorientation angle, irrespective of the axis.

25- Morse, regarded as one of the best writers in radio, took delight in creating vividly imagined settings for the show and elaborate, often bizarre plots.

26- The Prior of Sandleford bought three plots in Newtown.

27- Two neighbouring plots on 31-33 Kmety Street remained empty.

28- He escapes from prison and helps out Torodail in one of their plots.

29- In larger plots, the plow is the fastest implement for unearthing potatoes.

30- His devilish plots are partly based on his jealousy of the brothers’ relationship.

31- Keppel also has two other smaller plots for condominium on the other side of the Caribbean.

32- Many sub-plots run the course of several books and tie back to the main plot in later books.

33- Shipwrecks, female passengers, adventures in distant America, shipboard duels act as foils for the plots.

34- Composed of fourteen plots, it has about 100,000 inhabitants in an area of almost one million square meters.

35- The following are some other points in regards to the forced vibration shown in the frequency response plots.

36- Those plots further in (close to the Hawaiian Electric Company yard) appear to be minimally maintained, if at all.

37- Harbor Offices The gateway to Dubai Maritime City contains 19 development plots offered for office tower development.

38- He always helped new writers by giving plots, ideas and directions, was involved in many TV programs and remains isolated.

39- Summary wvbailey, redraw using Autosketch of Excel plots, 2006-06-22 Licensing :::::This template should only be used on image pages.

40- Her books are rich in Leicestershire dialogue and feature gritty plots with page-turning twists, often involving a sense of intrigue or crime.

41- These lands included scattered plots in the Monument that, critics claimed, could no longer be developed for the sake of Utah’s school children.

42- However, on a trip to Maharashtra, he reunites with Abhyankar and becomes a part of his militant organisation that plots to do away with Gandhi.

43- Summary This svg file is made by Ugur Zongur using GNU Octave and Gnuplot in order to demonstrate linearity or non-linearity of phase plots of various filters.

44- The KGB in Europe, page 328. Assassinations attempts and plots * Attempted poisoning of the second President of Afghanistan Hafizullah Amin on 13 December 1979.

45- Phillipas, secretly a member of the Pythagorean cult plots with them to kill Alexander during his wedding to Roxanne through the use of a dancer possessing poison.

46- The land was subdivided into 500 ‘plots‘ unto which lease-holders would either pitch a canvas tent during the camp-meeting period, or build a wooden cottage in this location.

47- Moreover, Dill notes a difference in the plots between in the two versions.

48- Was Mengele part of a Fourth Reich dedicated to evil plots to restore Nazi power?

49- Also included are short side story plots, usually non-relevant to the main story.

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