plotters in a sentence

Use ‘plotters’ in a sentence | ‘plotters’ example sentences

1- The purpose is behind the effort is that the coup should not look like a coup and create difficulties for its plotters and abettors .

2- Fortunately, the three people who were killed were the attackers or the plotters.

3- The May coup plotters who escaped have vowed to create unrest until he steps down.

4- His lectures and sermons were in book shops where two sets of London subway plotters met.

5- Massino and fellow capo Dominic Napolitano went to the Commission for approval to kill the three plotters.

6- Ramos agreed to resign from his position and support the plotters.

7- Pen-based plotters were an alternate printing technology once common in engineering and architectural firms.

8- Unused and filthy, it was considered an ideal hiding place for the gunpowder the plotters planned to store.

9- Limoëlan crossed over to the place du Carrousel, whence he could signal his two fellow plotters to light the fuse.

10- None came, however, as the assassination attempt had failed and Fromm had decided to betray the other plotters.

11- To escape, she persuades Darnley that the plotters will turn against him, and they flee to the safety of Lord Bothwell ( Nigel Davenport ).

12- Gaddafi’s security forces launched a preemptive strike at alleged coup plotters in the military and among the Warfalla tribe in October 1993.

13- Wide-format printers (contrast to vector-rendering “plotters“) are generally accepted to be any printer with a print width between 17″ and 100”.

14- The Iraqis began arresting the coup plotters on June 26. At least 200 officers were seized and more than 80 were executed, including Shawani’s sons.

15- Fouché – who had known the Jacobins’ innocence all along – brought solid proof to Bonaparte that the plotters were the royalist chouans rather than the Jacobin exclusifs.

16- Highly accurate GPS plotters keep you precisely on course, fishfinders, radomes and open array radars, easy-to-use reliable autopilots, marine VHF radios and AIS receivers plus multifunctional marine instruments.

17- Up the sleeve of the “plotters” is an insidious plan to exploit institutions of higher learning to confuse communities and to indoctrinate the ‘fallible’ through use of “socialist philosophy”.

18- Vinyl is a perfect choice for both hobby cutters and signmaker plotters.

19- We specialize in manufacturing CNC routers, laser engraving/cutting machines, plasma cutting machines and cutting plotters.

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