plots in a sentence 2

Use ‘plots’ in a sentence | ‘plots’ example sentences

50- Now he silently plots to rebel again, rallying creatures known as Wargals to his side.

51- Wireless Road and Chitlom are where some of Bangkok’s most expensive land plots exist.

52- Nicieza left the X-Men office in 1995, and many of his plots were taken in new directions.

53- Old Mother West Wind His outdoor observations in nature were used as plots for his stories.

54- Mark plots to humiliate Rachel for what she did to Eric, although the charges were dropped.

55- Over 30 people have been jailed in connection with plots to kill Dees or blow up the center.

56- Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman was convicted in 1996 for involvement in the bombing and other plots.

57- Freehold societies were similar to building societies, usually seeking freehold plots for the wealthy.

58- Works He started his career in the movies with two grotesque comical horror movies with surreal plots.

59- Few plots were sold and after the army pulled out, the town languished for most of the following decade.

60- A brief summary of the plots of the two sagas, given at the end of this article, shows many more examples.

61- ” By 1864, 2200 freedmen lived on the island, settled on individual plots, and working for pay for the Army.

62- He designed and laid out the boundaries and plots of land for a new town on a large portion of his property.

63- There are several sub-plots – the exploration of the new world by both superpowers forms much of the major plot.

64- A small area of woodland dominated by elm Ulmus glabra and sycamore has developed on abandoned horticultural plots.

65- Hogan also mentions other similar devices called The 36 Dramatic Situations and Plotto: The Master Book of All plots.

66- They filmed a whole season of 26 episodes, all of them being remade versions of the plots of the original first seasons.

67- Mursili fled to Egypt, the land of his country’s enemy, after the failure of his plots to oust his uncle from the throne.

68- Eileen is disgusted when she discovers that Owen and Liz are an item and plots her revenge on Owen for the way he used her.

69- Susan’s nephew Darcy Tyler ( Mark Raffety ) becomes partner in Karl’s surgery and plots to sell the business to a clinic chain.

70- Enormo Despite the name, Enormo is a diminutive alien whose frustration at being so small has boiled over into plots of revenge.

71- There are sub-plots involving some gamine children, and difficulties in the cabal involving Cabarrus, the villain of the first book.

72- There are plots within plots, some going back to the dawn of humanity and beyond: plots that endanger the very survival of humanity.

73- Whelk shell terracing Otter Mound’s signature man-made feature is the many terraced garden plots created with thousands of whelk shells.

74- The series has been airing since mid-January, and features many similar plots to the original.

75- He usually brings Dutch in on his plots and the two have come to blows on at least one occasion.

76- Here for the first time private plots were entirely abolished and communal kitchens were introduced.

77- Under James, the freedmen were allocated plots of land per household, and paid for work for the Army.

78- Tony Barclay, a male model who is obsessed with Jenny, plots to kill Greg by rigging his water ski to explode.

79- Rebellions Henry spent much of his reign defending himself against plots, rebellions and assassination attempts.

80- Timelines and plots are fractured, and the resulting novel resembles the literary equivalent of a cubist painting.

81- Space opera is sometimes used pejoratively, to describe improbable plots, absurd science, and cardboard characters.

82- Such plans lay out the sites of plots showing the roads, public open spaces, amenities areas and conservation sites.

83- A whole adventure published over several weeks had Benco and the Smurfs having to face one of Gargamel ‘s evil plots.

84- For houses on the sea side of the High Street these plots may have served as beaching grounds for individual tenements.

85- Munger began studying the Douglas fir trees of the western Cascades, setting up research plots throughout the Wind River area.

86- Melissa and Todd date in secret, but Melissa’s brother, Sean ( Jamie Churchill ), continuously plots to split Melissa and Todd up.

87- Bob plots with Todd to leave Erinsborough but Katie alerts Jim and Beverly in the nick of time and Bob is arrested and imprisoned.

88- Several families were given small plots of land and some financial compensation in order to build new homes outside the settlement.

89- The evolving extremist threat makes it “more difficult for law enforcement or the intelligence community to detect and disrupt plots.

90- McParland’s assignment was to collect evidence of murder plots and intrigue, passing this information along to his Pinkerton manager.

91- The villagers earned their livelihood not only from farming small plots, but also, as late as the 1960s, by mining slate at six pits.

92- Barabbas plots a revolt in Jerusalem, during which time Jesus enters triumphantly into the holy city and goes to the Temple to preach.

93- Douglas Avenue was paved on the west side of the plots, and Spring Street was laid on the east side, both roads traveling north and south.

94- Moreover, land owned by peasants often varied in the size and number of plots, the location and topography of the parcels, and other factors.

95- Around 755, believing he had discovered plots involving some of the more prominent Umayyad exiles in Kairouan, Ibn Habib turned against them.

96- Roche also informed law enforcement of plots to kill rival crime figures Joe “Big Joe” Manzi and convicted bookmaker Louie “the Shoe” Santos.

97- Each year volunteers willing to reclaim and beautify old family plots help keep the rich history of this cemetery alive for future generations.

98- Jackie Cassida in her review for Library Journal said that “Watts continues to challenge readers with his imaginative plots and superb storytelling.

99- He gave plots of land and communal grazing rights on this farm to other Voortrekkers in return for their labour in building a dam and an irrigation canal.

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