plotted in a sentence 2

Use ‘plotted’ in a sentence | ‘plotted’ example sentences

49- Burke’s voice and writing style are indebted to Elmore Leonard, as are the characters, but Leonard never plotted so intricately.

50- But he quickly added a graph of a curve going sharply asymptotic to the right; this depicted technological “advance” (I recall it plotted speed of travel against time).

51- Calling Me Home was keenly conceived, impeccably plotted, and beautifully written.”

52- DEAD WAKE by Eric LarsonDEAD WAKE, the beautifully detailed history of the events leading up to and after the sinking of the Lusitania, is written in Larson’s style of presenting well-known facts and events in the manner of a well plotted mystery.

53- Deception and greed are suspenseful undercurrents that propel this well-plotted, seductive psychological thriller.

54- “Fans of the Pendergast series expect an intricately plotted thriller with eerie supernatural overtones, and this is one of the best.

55- Fortier navigates around false clues and twists, resulting in a dense, heavily plotted love story that reads like a Da Vinci Code for the smart modern woman.

56- He gets a list of zip codes from their marketing department for where some direct mail advertising is being sent and they are then plotted on a map to create a heat map.

57- I had a wild time at that wedding, was shocked at the violence an unhappy couple can inflict, and I plotted and wrote a lot of Peter Herman’s dirty, indulgent novel.

58- Instead, the pair sat off camera and plotted out how to take over the music world.

59- In the chart below, we’ve plotted the ratio of exited startups to non-exited startups for each “bin” of total venture funding raised.

60- It covers the left like it is some kind of Borg-like hive-mind, whose every move is plotted and orchestrated by distant elites determined to humiliate and condescend to white people in the “heartland.”

61- It was utterly compelling and beautifully plotted.

62- Joelle Jones’s artwork serves as the perfect foil for Rich’s well-plotted (if easily discernible) script.

63- Macintyre’s provocative non-fiction thriller points the finger at an English old boy network that unwittingly plotted its own destruction.

64- Of all of the books that he has written, this one, I believe, was the author’s best; with so many changes of direction in the fast paced but highly imaginative and tightly plotted story, one could not guess what would happen next.

65- Overall, however, I tore through the book with great interest and felt that the course of Milo’s journey was well-plotted and satisfying.

66- Raj Chattha, 30, a marketer from Bhandup, has invested in a themed plotted development called Century Sports Village in Bengaluru.

67- Reconstructing Amelia is a brilliantly plotted and beautifully written literary suspense, as enthralling as it is moving.

68- Richly researched, ornately plotted, this story demands, and repays, close attention.

69- Routes are plotted In Google Maps for each service person with lists of required resources (equipment or machine).

70- Setterfield has rejuvenated the genre with this closely plotted, clever foray into a world of secrets, confused identities, lies, and half-truths.

71- She’s already plotted it to book eight or nine.

72- So is Ramzi Yousef, who plotted the 1993 World Trade Center attack, and Terry Nichols, a co-conspirator in the Oklahoma City bombing.

73- Story grows out of character and the author’s characters make this series rise above the plethora of similarly plotted fantasy trilogies.

74- Technically, all charts plotted against x and y axes can be stacked.

75- The argument allows you to select a symbol, while the argument has a value assigned to it that indicates how much the plotted text and symbols should be scaled with respect to the default.

76- The circumstances were so perfectly plotted that it seems impossible for anyone to be as well-coordinated as would be necessary to pull off their plans.

77- The crimes and mysteries are always intricate, well plotted and well written.

78- The Danish party sailed to Arabia via Egypt, where Niebuhr calculated the height of the Pyramids and plotted the Rosetta branch of the Nile so accurately that his plans were used more than a century later in the construction of the Suez Canal.

79- The dirty little secret of is that it was based on a book that was technically brilliant and expertly plotted, but written by a third grader.

80- The genomes in the European reference datasets are plotted using principal component analysis, which shows their overall genetic distance from each other.

81- The myriad of projects undertaken by the Prestige Group include villas, plotted.

82- There ought to be a law that novels should not be this well-plotted, assured, and addictive.

83- The residential projects include villas, row houses, plotted development, presidential apartments, luxury and super luxury apartments equipped with all amenities such as shopping complex, clubhouse and swimming pool.

84- They plotted together.

85- They were cleverly plotted, with a high degree of suspense and sensuality and a device to keep the reader turning pages.”

86- “This briskly paced, tightly plotted novel enacts the transformative power of education, creating engaging characters set in a rich alternative universe with a complicated history that can help us better understand our own.

87- This was pretty fantastic, but disturbing- not for the squeamish, but a really well written take on a very unsympathetic character and a wonderfully plotted story.

88- Tightly plotted with cleverness to spare, welcomes the scrutiny of multiple viewings without losing its humor or heart.

89- Was this plotted from the beginning?

90- With her razor-sharp writing and trademark psychological insight, Gillian Flynn delivers a fast-paced, devilishly dark, and ingeniously plotted thriller that confirms her status as one of the hottest writers around.

91- A after each particle is separated into the concentrate is given in Table 1.3 and plotted in.

92- Data evaluation, therefore, was conducted primarily by visual examination of plotted (graphics) data.

93- Flight plan and progress are plotted on advanced aeronautical charts.

94- For six generations, the Devil plotted his evil until eventually he steered the minds of white parliamentarians to pass the Group Areas Act in 1950, which allowed for the destruction of District Six.

95- Height for age z-scores (HAZ) were calculated and regression lines were fitted through HAZ values plotted against time.

96- In his closing argument State prosecutor Matric Luphondo said Billy Masetlha’s version of events – that everyone plotted against him – was “so improbable that they border on a science fiction tale”.

97- In power speed curves the percent speed that is plotted is the speed of the mill in accord with the formula, although the speed of the balls may lag far behind.

98- I plotted the number of doctors who qualify on a yearly basis and compared them by gender.

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