plots in a sentence 7

Use ‘plots’ in a sentence | ‘plots’ example sentences

299- Out went meaningless, totally interchangeable musical numbers and in came properly dramatic and coherent plots which were crucially determined by believable three-dimensional characters.

300- plots with MA-baited and Lurem-TR-baited devices had similar densities of M. sjostedti during both seasons.

301- Process Plant Layout, Second Edition, explains the methodologies used by professional designers to layout process equipment and pipework, plots, plants, sites, and their corresponding environmental features in a safe, economical way.

302- Relevés was randomly selected and floristic information was recorded for 310 sample plots and was referenced by GPS.

303- Rural productivity growth is slowing as farmers approach the limits of what can be done on their small plots.

304- Situated on 2 plots this very private home offers enough space for a large and extended family.

305- So elephants are afraid of bees – why not use this to provide a cheap simple way to keep elephants out of small farmers plots?

306- 37 more results not shown.

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