plots in a sentence 4

Use ‘plots’ in a sentence | ‘plots’ example sentences

149- I always wonder about people’s ability to follow these plots vs hitting raid finder over and over b/c this is pretty much exactly where her legion arc was going.

150- I enjoy creating my own fictional world, creating plots with twists that keep my readers guessing until the very end, creating characters that take on lives of their own and creating places that come alive in my readers’ minds.

151- I feel like, overall, books can have unrealistic plots, themes and settings, but they have to follow realistic circumstances.

152- If you have material like this, and typically it will be things like icons, text, or plots, maybe drawings or logos, stuff like that, it could be a very good idea to use it.

153- If you were a director selecting a setting (time and place) for “Romeo and Juliet,” what other modern day conflicts would lend themselves to its plots and themes?

154- I get that Abu Nazir’s first two plots failed.

155- I know this will sound strange to non-writers, but often plots and characters just pop into my head out of thin air.

156- I love historical fiction: novels with fully realized characters (particularly strong female characters), richly textured plots and historical details that educate as well as entertain.

157- I’m sure it was very difficult to condense down all the plots and characters of the novel into a cohesive movie that kept the mood, tone and spirit of the book.

158- Individual homes have issues concerning security, maintenance and cost of construction on plots, which are many times higher compared to owning an apartment.

159- In Malawi, CARE Malawi, with help from Farmer-to-Farmer Trainers (FFTs) and agricultural extension agents, has established 42 demonstration plots, which have been used to showcase improved water resources and land management techniques.

160- In reality, you don’t know if plots are occurring.

161- In the 1800s, farmers in Ireland planted one variety of potato called the Lumper, which grows on small plots in even the worst soils.

162- In the aftermath of Leland Palmer (Ray Wise) being revealed as the killer of his daughter Laura (Sheryl Lee) but before the show dove head-first into the Black Lodge mystery, the series relied on plots that weren’t all that interesting.

163- In this trip to Egypt, Poirot finds himself in the middle of one of Christie’s most fiendishly clever murder plots (I literally screamed the first time I read it, when it was revealed what had really happened and who was involved).

164- I prefer plots that move along rather quickly and stories that involve a lot of action occurring simultaneously.

165- I spend a lot of time just thinking about plots and ideas that might be used in another novel.

166- It could have been a carnival geek show, but the series has characters and plots worth following.

167- It is classified as a minor fruit since most of the trees have been planted accidentally by the ancestors of farmers, who are now happy to find a tree or two on their plots of land.

168- It’s a little bit of a bummer with no votes or flags; but I made some plots in kst and they look cool.

169- It’s an episode that has the trappings of prior plots but connects them in all in a strong central narrative, and shows an awareness of characters and emotional resonance that some season nine episodes had started to lose sight of.

170- It’s fun to re-read them and see numerous things going on in the background that were main plots of other books.

171- It’s good to know who smiles at your face and then plots against you.

172- It’s not as if keeping details of white racist terror plots off your website is likely to win Murdoch and the middle-market press round to your side!

173- It’s the backdrop for everything that will happen, and as such, the decisions we make surrounding our setting can act to strengthen our plots by creating additional obstacles and challenges or be a wasted opportunity.

174- I understand the appeal of those plots in story-telling, I do, and I even understand the importance of answering the question how the Emperor of Everything ended up running this country.

175- Killing off characters can be painful for the writer but extraneous side plots can kill a story.

176- Kindly pour in your points about the pros and cons of this project and the right value of the plots.

177- Krystle tries to make peace with Sammy Jo, while Sammy Jo plots to replace Krystle with a doppleganger.

178- “Law & Order,” with its clockwork plots of social and psychic blight that end bleakly or ambiguously, has entered rerun eternity.

179- Lecturing to his class, Jack opines that “All plots tend to move deathward.

180- Looking back, I can also see how certain plots and emotions kept recurring.

181- Meanwhile, Rusty calls for backup from the Dalek fleet and plots to join in their slaughter of the rebels.

182- Michelle Birkby puts a new slant on the Sherlock Holmes plots in The House at Baker Street.

183- Mode Pride Tees 2018Box plots and hearts combined to make these tees for our lovely employees to celebrate Pride month.

184- Most love triangle plots are about a character deciding who they want to be with.

185- New to the market are these plots of farmland in this renowned farming district.

186- New York Times bestselling author Aaron Allston adds to your writers’ toolkit with methods to analyze, strengthen, and repair plots.

187- New York Times Bestselling author Michael A. Stackpole unravels the mysteries of creating compelling plots.

188- Not as much Star Wars music as other audiobooks (such as Thrawn) but fewer annoying 2nd tier plots (no Arinda Price here).

189- Not to mention that I’m fond of plots with several dead bodies.

190- Now I don’t even remember the plots of these novels let alone the authors.

191- No writer wants to revisit old ideas or recycle stale plots.

192- Once again Wein shows her gift for grounding YAs in history with her well-rounded characters and compelling plots.

193- One of the many plots concerns the school-age girlfriend of a powerful gangster; after the gangster goes into hiding, a younger, more inexperienced gang member falls for her.

194- One of the sub-plots, so to speak, of The Golden Age of Murder concerns the stories that are evident, or implicit, in some of the inscriptions by authors in their Golden Age whodunits.

195- On the 100th Anniversary of the murder of the Russian Imperial Family, acclaimed historian Helen Rappaport embarks on a quest to uncover the many international plots to save them, why they failed,.

196- Our reviewers describe the plots and themes of these recently released titles while conveying a sense of each book’s spirit and intended audience.writes novels for adults and young.

197- Over three sections, Nelson employs a consistent narrator, recognizable settings, recurring characters and a few structures closely resembling plots.

198- Paths are maintained, but trees have taken over plots.

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