positively in a sentence

Use “positively” in a sentence | “positively” example sentences

1- The group is seen more positively abroad .

2- The Constitution obliged the state to act positively to ameliorate these conditions.

3- The results showed that black uniforms and aggressiveness were positively correlated.

4- Both sides have responded positively to the plan.

5- Camping these days can be positively luxurious.

6- Cynthia looked positively ravishing this evening.

7- He became positively garrulous after a few glasses of water.

8- He stated positively that he had never seen the man.

9- He wasn’t just helpful, he was positively ingratiating.

10- He’s not just fat. He’s positively gross!

11- Her face, which had always been long, was now positively equine.

12- Her fingers positively itched with the desire to slap his face.

13- Her hairdo and make – up look positively ghastly!

14- His ideas are positively antediluvian!

15- If the manor was opulent, the old church was positively bleak.

16- Jo looked really well, – positively blooming.

17- Kenneth Baker arrived shortly afterwards, positively beaming.

18- Meeting you here like this is positively surreal!

19- She was positively beaming with pleasure.

20- She was positively blooming the last time I saw her.

21- She was positively bursting to tell us the news.

22- Some diets may be positively dangerous.

23- Some holiday destinations are positively dangerous .

24- Something which I can positively refute!

25- Sugar is positively detrimental to bodybuilding.

26- That sales assistant was positively rude to me!

27- That short skirt of hers is positively indecent.

28- That skirt of hers is positively indecent.

29- The bathroom, with its ancient facilities, is positively arctic.

30- The cerebellum is positively bursting with over-activity.

31- The plumbing in this house is positively medieval!

32- The weather was positively tropical last summer.

33- There was a positively triumphant note in her voice.

34- These positively charged ions are themselves highly hydrated.

35- These products are often positively harmful.

36- These products are often positively harmful.

37- This is positively the worst thing that I can even imagine.

38- This so-called accounting system is positively medieval.

39- What she proposes is positively inhuman!

40- You can’t go out in that dress – it’s positively indecent!

41- He responded positively and accepted the fee of ?1,000 I had offered.

42- Its swirling form makes the early stages of the building look positively staid.

43- Electrons are negatively charged with electricity, protons are positively charged.

44- With the long carry over the beach to the fairway, it looked positively dangerous.

45- Sports participation is positively related to income and negatively related to age.

46- That kind of blood-curdling prose makes some horror comics look positively decent.

47- A similar problem arises when the deferred consequences are positively reinforcing.

48- Meanwhile, he gave Sien a reference so glowing that she sounded positively angelic.

49- That same positively fatalistic approach has strengthened him these last six weeks.

50- Compared with modern satellite dishes, ordinary TV aerials look positively antiquated.

51- Her images of that horde of ribald workmen looked positively endearing next to this man.

52- Victimization of property bullying is positively correlated with average external control.

53- The building products sector has developed positively .

54- The lead cast was more positively received.

55- The group is seen more positively abroad.

56- Banks were positively encouraged to relax lending standards.

57- There is positively no contest here folks.

58- Their behavior was obviously positively different from others.

59- Hard disk temperatures are positively correlated to hard disk failures.

60- He was later positively identified by witnesses.

61- Colors positively pop thanks to 44 percent greater saturation.

62- The sniper fled and was never positively identified.

63- The film was generally received positively by critics.

64- Both sides would view capital punishment more positively .

65- These infrequent exhibitions were received very positively by critics.

66- Cinema audiences responded more positively than critics.

67- This concept was positively received by studio executives.

68- The announcement affected the tablet resale market positively .

69- The large centre canvas has not been positively identified.

70- The album was received positively by music critics.

71- The nucleus contains positively charged protons and electrically neutral neutrons.

72- Breast density is positively associated with breast cancer.

73- The obvious next question is answered positively as follows.

74- The soundtrack and score were positively received.

75- Only approximately 1 percent are positively selected for maturity.

76- The 2008–2009 revival was also generally received positively .

77- Alcohol was viewed positively while its abuse was condemned.

78- This offer was immediately and positively rejected.

79- The film was received generally positively by critics.

80- This positively impacts commercial fishermen in surrounding areas.

81- Improved living conditions positively effects global security and economic growth.

82- Multiple paternity and female size are positively correlated.

83- Group identification was positively correlated with group polarization.

84- It help the city economically development positively .

85- The game has been positively received by critics.

86- The film today is more positively received by professional film critics.

87- The score was positively received by critics.

88- The film was received positively by critics.

89- Reef biomass is positively related to species diversity.

90- X-ray examination is required to positively verify natural pearls found today.

91- Most requests are already responded to positively .

92- Its recent acquisitions should positively enhance its product portfolio.

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