tower in a sentence 3

Use ‘tower’ in a sentence | ‘tower’ example sentences

100- Police searched the area near the cell tower but didn’t locate anyone.

101- Then there was the outpouring postings of Eiffel tower tourist pictures.

102- The album should appeal to fans of the Meters, Stuff and tower of Power.

103- 601001Saudi Arabia unveils new Kingdom tower Is Adidas back in the race?

104- For Verdiquio, who drives a Porsche 911 4S, the tower seemed a perfect fit.

105- London – London’s tower Bridge, left, was constructed in the 1880s and ’90s.

106- That pops open, you climb in, and then you’re on the top of the South tower.

107- A moment later, he calmly tells the tower: “We are evacuating on the runway.

108- Construction of Presbyterian Rust’s second patient tower began in June 2014.

109- There were 10,700 hits for “Eiffel tower Selfie,” according to Attractiontix.

110- The tower reflects the city’s new approach to urban planning, Boethe believes.

111- As was the 50-story replica of the Eiffel tower at the Paris Las Vegas resort.

112- Museums have closed their doors, and the Eiffel tower‘s elevator stands still.

113- Rangers say the meeting will now be held at London’s Grange tower Bridge Hotel.

114- The first tower got hit, and we were jostled all over the place, he told Maron.

115- 956479“You call this progress,” read words on the side of the cardboard tower.

116- A former watchtower, the Nine-eyed tower is the largest of its kind on the wall.

117- The Eiffel tower, Louvre museum and nearby Disneyland theme park were also shut.

118- Douglas Harmon of Eastdil is representing the investors in the Willis tower sale.

119- Futuristic lobby design – A sketch of the lobby at the City of Dreams Hotel tower.

120- The Louvre and Eiffel tower were closed over the weekend amid heightened security.

121- 528713Once Caldwell hits a rare ledge, called Wino tower, he’ll wait for Jorgeson.

122- A shoulder badge, a board on the tower house, a street sign – every detail matters.

123- The Sentinel Building is also known as the Columbus tower, and first opened in 1907.

124- Some say the tower would be an eyesore and are worried about potential health risks.

125- During hurricane Irene, the clock tower and a major support beam fell from the roof.

126- And a new tower at 22 Bishopsgate has already been called the Club Sandwich, he says.

127- The Eiffel tower in Paris heads the current list of the world’s top selfie attactions.

128- Remy de la Mauviniere / AP Tourists use a selfie stick near the Eiffel tower in Paris.

129- Los Angeles is the first city in the nation to enact strict cell phone tower standards.

130- The City of Coeur d’Alene actually has renderings of what the new tower will look like.

131- 811470The tower has its own generator and according to Singer it kicked in immediately.

132- Cell tower data showed Wallace apparently driving between Connecticut and Massachusetts.

133- Among them is one of her favorites, a wartime naval air tower in East Fortune, Scotland.

134- The Leaning tower is probably one of the most familiar architectural fails in the world.

135- Click through to collectSPACE to watch a video about the Atlas V astronaut access tower.

136- Most of Whitman’s victims were struck by shots fired from the University of Texas tower.

137- Hijinks (mainly seducing a French woman and having a showdown at the Eiffel tower) ensue.

138- Video shows a huge tower of smoke and flames rising into the sky, as Tom Burridge reports.

139- Man, 21, Dies Shielding Mother From Gunfire “Sky Trek tower operates just like an elevator.

140- In August 1988, he committed suicide by jumping from a fire tower in the Schorfheide region.

141- Particularly when tells how his team walked across a bridge to access the the Sathorn tower.

142- Steel cables were lassoed around the tower which was then finally pulled down using a crane.

143- The city issues cell tower permits and wants the towers to blend in with their surroundings.

144- Over the course of 4 days, tower transformed the base of the old tree into an 8-foot statue.

145- It was associate producer Herbert Coleman’s daughter who suggested the beautiful bell tower.

146- The 23-foot-tall Smog Free tower will suck pollution out of the sky and turn it into jewelry.

147- 8 hours News The Eiffel tower with La Defense business district in the background on Tuesday.

148- 565742Police officers Ramiro Martinez and Houston McCoy shoot and kill Whitman in the tower.

149- Windows were blown out, and the bell tower from the chapel, built in the 1930s, was destroyed.

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