towhead in a sentence

Use ‘towhead’ in a sentence | ‘towhead’ example sentences

1- I was two– towhead , quiet, and fond of exploring the forest we lived in.

2- Cianfrance ‘s wife Shannon Plumb, fresh from her premiere of New Director’s towheads , joined in.

3- Eisley, then known as the towheads , began years of service as the house band, giving them their first exposure.

4- David Tucker ” towhead ” Brown (agricultural engineering 1902) was commissioned by President Herbert Hoover in 1930 to go to Panama to work on the Inter-American Highway and was subsequently placed in charge of the work.

5- Raymond III Pons was from the opposite faction and so when he died in 950 Louis IV awarded the title of Duke of Aquitaine to Count William III towhead of Poitiers (“Guillaume III Tête d’Étoupe”) who was an ally of Louis IV.

6- David Tucker ” towhead ” Brown

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