tower in a sentence 2

Use ‘tower’ in a sentence | ‘tower’ example sentences

51- Could you tell me the way to Tokyo tower?

52- The picture of the tower was out of focus.

53- The tower was seen clearly against the blue sky.

54- There is a large clock near the top of the tower.

55- Find someone who has had her/his car towed.

56- towerWe lost sight of the tower as we entered the town.

57- That tower you see over there is the Eiffel tower.

58- There’s an old tower in the center of the village.

59- The tower looks beautiful against the evening sky.

60- The Leaning tower of Pisa will probably fall over some day.

61- The Eiffel tower is probably the most famous landmark in Paris.

62- Toronto’s CN tower is the tallest free-standing structure in the world.

63- There are 1,792 steps leading to the top of the Eiffel tower.

64- stereotypeThe control tower lost contact with the pilot just before the plane crashed.

65- The tower of London has dominated the capital city of England for over 900 years.

66- Lao-Tzu noted that a tower nine stories high is built from a small heap of earth.

67- If nothing is done to brace the Leaning tower of Pisa, it will eventually fall over.

68- The Eiffel tower has three platforms from which tourists can view the city of Paris.

69- During World War Two, parrots were kept on the Eiffel tower to warn of enemy aircraft.

70- Lao-Tzu observed that the tower nine stories high is built from a small heap of earth.

71- It took 300 steel workers two years and 15,000 pieces of iron to erect the Eiffel tower.

72- The blueprints for the Eiffel tower covered more than 14,000 square feet of drafting paper.

73- During World War Two, parrots were kept on the Eiffel tower to warn of approaching aircraft.

74- Once a year, the CN tower in Toronto lets people walk up the stairs to the top of the building.

75- Douglas Street is closed this week while construction work is being done on a new office tower.

76- In May of 1981, a 25-year-old man dressed in a Spiderman suit scaled the Sears tower in Chicago.

77- Within the clock tower of Big Ben, there are jail cells where members of Parliament can be imprisoned.

78- All the extra-terrestrials were killed by the impact when their spaceship slammed into the Eiffel tower.

79- The Leaning tower of Pizza is slowly tilting over, and steps must be taken to ensure it doesn’t fall over.

80- The angle of the Leaning tower of Pisa is so great now that is looks like it might fall over at any moment.

81- On June 14, 1940, the Swastika was raised on the Eiffel tower as the German army entered and occupied Paris.

82- Apparently, engineers in Italy are considering holding the Leaning tower of Pisa up with large steel cables.

83- The Eiffel tower is painted approximately once every 7 years, and requires nearly 50 tons of paint each time.

84- She took a photo of Paris from the Notre Dame Cathedral, and you could just see the Eiffel tower in the background.

85- The second tallest communications tower in the world, located in Russia, was badly damaged in a fire in August 2000.

86- The office tower was well-organized for emergencies, so evacuation of the entire building only took about 5 minutes.

87- ‘Big Ben’ is the name given to the large bell in the tower that forms part of the British Houses of Parliament.

88- toxicStanding at the top of the Eiffel tower, and looking out over the city in the evening was the highlight of my visit to Paris.

89- The guard in the watch tower turned his spotlight towards a corner of the exercise yard, where a group of prisoners had gathered.

90- In November of 1499, Perkin Warbeck, Flemish imposter and pretender to the throne of King Henry VII of England, was executed in the tower of London.

91- In 1535, Cardinal John Fisher was executed at tower Hill in London after refusing to recognize King Henry VIII as supreme head of the Church of England.

92- An old legend states that the British Commonwealth will fall if the ravens ever leave the tower of London, so the birds’ wings have been clipped as a precaution.

93- A man named Jeff Adams went all the way up the 1,776 stairs to the top of the CN tower in his wheelchair to illustrate the barriers facing people with disabilities.

94- A man named Jeff Adams went all the way up the 1,776 stairs to the top of the CN tower in his wheelchair to illustrate the barriers facing people with disabilities.

95- basisI read somewhere that if copies of all the manuals used for launching the first space shuttle were piled on top of each other, they would reach almost twice as high as Chicago’s Sears tower.

96- This thing has a wingspan wider than the height of the tower of Pisa.

97- But they all used a tower on Mount Champlain, near Welsford, instead.

98- The tallest tower in the world just secured funding for construction.

99- Other evidence, like hazy cell tower records, could also be presented.

More Sentences: 1234
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