towelling in a sentence

Use ‘towelling’ in a sentence | ‘towelling’ example sentences

1- All rooms are centrally heated and have linen and towelling provided.

2- She was wearing something made out of towelling , I fancy.

3- Marc came in as she was towelling it dry.

4- The most common choices are PU synthetic grips or towelling grips.

5- A popular aberration has a light yellow exterior with towelling striped innards.

6- Haruka came into the room, towelling off her hair.

7- towelling grips are always replacement grips.

8- He shot her an exasperated look, towelling his hair vigorously.

9- The old lady was dressed in a towelling wrap over a bathing suit.

10- Lucenzo stood towelling his blond hair, his face smooth-shaven.

11- A towelling nappy, and nappy liner.

12- Werewolf stopped towelling his armpit and looked at him.

13- Dr Neil wiped his hand on one of the pieces of towelling .

14- I put on the towelling bathrobe and went back into the bedroom.

15- She wore a matching top and shorts of turquoise towelling stretched to breaking-point.

16- She was dressed in a towelling robe, and had her arms crossed defensively.

17- towelling robes, home made biscuits and port are also on hand for guests.

18- Kurt Steiner in pyjamas and towelling robe, sat by the window reading.

19- He was unshaven and wearing a shabby towelling bathrobe with threads hanging off it.

20- He stood naked by the open balcony door, towelling his head after a shower.

21- There’s always a towelling bandana tied around Billy Cobham’s shaven head.

22- When she came out again, towelling her hair, he spoke slowly, softly.

23- Inside the room he wiped his face and neck with a piece of old towelling .

24- She pulled on her towelling bathrobe and slid her feet into a pair of sandals.

25- Torr Vale Mill had added a weaving shed in 1836, and moved into producing towelling .

26- Busy lifestyles can make the prospect of dealing with endless buckets of towelling nappies very daunting.

27- Chantal emerged, towelling her hair, as he finished slicing and buttering the baguette .

28- Later, David pulled on Clare’s towelling bathrobe and led Josh down to the kitchen.

29- Blot dry with clean paper towel, tissue or handkerchief to avoid adding bacteria from in-use towelling .

30- Five yards away a woman sat almost in profile, a white towelling robe easy on her shoulders.

31- I mean , your guys are really towelling up the mighty Kiwis right now aren’t they?

32- Military Trail, quadrature, boozer, for the purpose of towelling impertinent for pain bedrock.

33- You pull a towelling robe from the back of the door and throw it at her.

34- With his towelling gown discarded, Guy’s muscular warmth was both alien and familiar in the darkness.

35- Lil, propped up on one elbow, grins at me from under a towelling turban.

36- Yeah, it’s the first time these actually keep a lot better than the towelling ones.

37- I often wear a towelling dressing gown when I’m invited out to dinner,’ said Alex.

38- She pulled on one of the towelling robes and wandered back into the bedroom, selecting clean clothes.

39- It has towelling on the inside as well as the outside so it’s very snuggly and warm.

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