tower in a sentence

Use ‘tower’ in a sentence | ‘tower’ example sentences

1- The watch tower is coming along nicely.

2- A few moments later tower 2 was hit.

3- The printed name is ” towers “.

4- The north tower followed 29 minutes later.

5- The middle tower was built around 1200.

6- The tower stands 126 ft above ground level.

7- The church has four octagonal bell towers .

8- The church tower is 30 m high.

9- The clock tower has since been removed.

10- The towers reach 156 m above mean water level.

11- The central tower is 261 feet high.

12- Commercial real estate is developing major international office tower projects.

13- Other suspension bridge towers carry transmission antennas.

14- The tower and porch are 14th.

15- A lattice steel tower is a steel framework construction.

16- Angle towers are used where a line must change direction.

17- Even today the middle tower is unfinished.

18- The tower carrying the ball has been rebuilt many times.

19- Its façade features a very peculiar bell tower .

20- The façade is flanked by symmetric towers .

21- The ivory tower is scheduled for demolition.

22- tower painted black with three white horizontal bands.

23- The church tower dominates the whole village.

24- The tower is white with narrow red horizontal bands.

25- The towers are open daily except on major public holidays.

26- It was a cell phone antenna tower .

27- Property owners are often asked to amend cell tower leases.

28- So an existing cell tower lease is extremely valuable.

29- Walk east through the “guard tower “.

30- The tower is about 36 metres tall.

31- An octagonal tower was built later there.

32- Guard towers were located on each corner.

33- Rain machines and light towers were installed.

34- The octagonal lantern tower above the crossing is 30 m high.

35- The tower contains stone and plaster decorative elements.

36- Large community outbreaks are mostly associated with cooling towers .

37- The tower was not completed until 1850.

38- The north tower was completed in 1862.

39- Two 210 ft towers flank the main entrance.

40- The castle is a ruined five storey tower house. Lightning struck the tower.

41- The tower was blown to atoMs. My house is near Tokyo tower.

42- We got to the top of Osaka tower.

43- Do you know where Tokyo tower is?

44- The plane buzzed the control tower.

45- He pointed to the tower over there.

46- We can see the tower above the trees.

47- You can see a white tower over there.

48- The tower leaned slightly to the west.

49- I can see the tower from where I stand.

50- From my position, I cannot see the tower.

More Sentences: 1234
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