towards in a sentence 4

Use ‘towards’ in a sentence | ‘towards’ example sentences

146- I still feel a lot of bitterness towards my boss for not supporting me when the personnel office tried to have me fired.

147- Although most Pakistanis live in villages, in the last three decades the population has shifted towards the major cities.

148- Travelling around the world, and living in different cultures has changed my outlook towards people of different nations.

149- Immigration policy in this country is perceived by the ethnic community as being discriminatory towards visible minorities.

150- The girl could remember seeing a car coming towards her, but then everything was a blank until she woke up in the hospital.

151- An unknown businessperson has donated over $10 million towards the construction of a new medical faculty at the university.

152- A crowd of young people moved quietly along the road towards the spot where their friends had been killed in a car accident.

153- Laurence Durrell once said, “Guilt always hurries towards its complement, punishment, only there does its satisfaction lie.

154- “The hierarchical nature of the school system in this country encourages abuses by those at the top towards those below them.

155- This program has been designed to provide students with opportunities to reach their potential and strive towards excellence.

156- She felt an impulse to run when she saw the little dog coming towards her, but then decided it was time she overcame her fear.

157- The Canadian team accused the French judge of being biased towards the Russian couple in the Olympic figure skating competition.

158- People who have an open, receptive attitude towards a foreign language are more likely to learn from their language experiences.

159- His attitude towards learning has been greatly influenced by the negative experiences he had as a child with an abusive teacher.

More Sentences: 1234
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