towards in a sentence 3

Use ‘towards’ in a sentence | ‘towards’ example sentences

99- His casual attitude towards work has kept him from getting a real, steady job.

100- Lance always becomes hostile towards his boss after he has had a bit to drink.

101- Seneca wrote that the first step towards amendment is the recognition of error.

102- The soldiers ran for cover as an enemy tank rumbled up the street towards them.

103- My mother-in-law has been quite hostile towards me since my wife and I split up.

104- The commentary by the sportscaster was quite negative towards the visiting team.

105- A lobby group has been established to work towards the legalization of marijuana.

106- The family walked solemnly towards the grave where their father was to be buried.

107- Firefighters are battling to save the town from the forest fire coming towards it.

108- The suicide bomber fired towards former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, but missed.

109- Holland has long been known for its lenient attitude towards the use of soft drugs.

110- His reckless attitude towards his own safety is going to cost him his life one day.

111- Socrates said that recognising your own ignorance is the first step towards wisdom.

112- The new leader seems determined to steer the party towards a more centrist position.

113- The government has announced increased funding towards combatting the spread of AIDS.

114- I slowly eased my way towards the door when it looked like the meeting was about over.

115- Sheila broke into a wide grin when she saw her fiancé coming up the aisle towards her.

116- Canada has expressed concern to the United States about its severe policy towards Cuba.

117- Mark sought therapy to help him understand why he felt so much anger towards his father.

118- The road goes straight for about five miles and then curves to the left towards the lake.

119- The planes buzzed overhead, and then we could see the parachuters floating down towards us.

120- Bell Hooks once stated that the moment we choose to love, we begin to move towards freedom.

121- Your positive attitude towards life will contribute to ensuring your success in all you do.

122- The university has very clear guidelines regarding the conduct of teachers towards students.

123- Crystal has been somewhat cool towards me since she heard that I went out with another girl.

124- The troops were advancing in separate columns across the front towards the enemy’s position.

125- Our sponsorship of the event is designed to generate more goodwill towards our organization.

126- Olympic judges are sometimes perceived as being biased towards athletes from their own countries.

127- In June, the earth is tipped towards the sun, producing summers in the northern half of our planet.

128- The striker fired the ball towards the goal, where it grazed the post, and then rolled into the net.

129- Prison reform cannot occur until society changes its punishment mentality towards crime and criminals.

130- Kareem felt a lot of resentment towards his dad for running out on his mom when he was only 10 years old.

131- The government has budgeted over two million dollars towards beautification of the old section of the city.

132- Animals generally need both concealment from their enemies and visibility towards potential mating partners.

133- We are part of a purely non-profit organization working towards reducing starvation in the developing world.

134- The battle against illegal drugs is going nowhere.

135- We have to rethink our attitude towards the issue.

136- The coach is always quite negative towards the kids, so their level of confidence is getting lower and lower.

137- In the early days of Islam, worshippers prayed in any available space, provided it was oriented towards Mecca.

138- The city of Istanbul symbolizes the two faces of Turkey, one turned towards Europe, and the other towards Asia.

139- Students tend to work very hard at the beginning of the session, but then often get kind of lazy towards the end.

140- The number in brackets beside the course name denotes the number of credits the course is worth towards a degree.

141- Robert A.

142- Heinlein once stated that how we behave towards cats here below determines our status in heaven.

143- The guard’s truncheon hit air, offbalance he regained his posture to see a metalmesh rubbish bin flying towards him.

144- The light from the streetlamps illuminated the figure of the monster as it crawled up the rocks towards the old castle.

145- She has a reckless attitude towards relationships, which has made it difficult for her stay with one man for very long.

More Sentences: 1234
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