towards in a sentence 2

Use ‘towards’ in a sentence | ‘towards’ example sentences

50- My attitude towards him changed.

51- They rushed towards their mother.

52- He is walking towards the station.

53- We made our way towards our hometown.

54- His anger towards me has not softened.

55- Please continue your favors towards us.

56- The cat crept silently towards the bird.

57- She got off the bus and ran towards him.

58- Andreas feels hatred towards Angela.

59- ScottI am working with them towards world peace.

60- The cat crept noiselessly towards the birds.

61- Both parties took a step towards a solution.

62- The lizard crept up the wall towards the fly.

63- Plants will generally bend towards the light.

64- His opinion inclines towards the conservative.

65- The moth crawled up the wall towards the light.

66- There is a new trend towards miniskirts this year.

67- The baby crawled across the rug towards the puppy.

68- There’s a trend these days towards small families.

69- The outfielder hurled the ball towards the infield.

70- The students were not respectful towards their teacher.

71- I experienced a feeling of antipathy towards the speaker.

72- The young boy picked up his bag and walked towards the exit.

73- The runners sprinted down the track towards the finish line.

74- Father went red with anger when I behaved rudely towards him.

75- Find someone who feels grateful towards his/her parents.

76- graveHis face broke into a grin when he saw her coming towards him.

77- She was still resentful towards him a year after they split up.

78- The cat stared at the dog, ready to flee if it came towards her.

79- Muslims face towards Mecca when they gather together for prayer.

80- The house is oriented towards the south, so it gets lots of sun.

81- The column of ants was slowly marching towards the picnic basket.

82- The chickens scattered as the children ran laughing towards them.

83- The soldier marshalled all his courage and ran towards the enemy.

84- The missile rocketed through the air towards its intended target.

85- The dog slowly moved towards the plate of food lying on the grass.

86- The dog slowly edged towards the plate of food lying on the grass.

87- Be careful of their dog, it can be quite vicious towards strangers.

88- She smiled alluringly at her lover, and walked towards the bedroom.

89- The trend towards late marriage is going to increase more and more.

90- The girls started giggling nervously as the boys came towards them.

91- In the darkness, I frantically reach out towards the receding figure.

92- Gary works with both PCs and Macs, but has a strong bias towards Macs.

93- My own teaching style has a strong bias towards vocabulary development.

94- The old woman grasped my hand in hers, and pulled me towards her house.

95- The current trend in the workforce is towards more part-time employment.

96- The baby grasped my thumb in her hands, and pulled it towards her mouth.

97- Would you like to make a contribution towards helping to save grizzly bear habitat?A huge rock came hurling down the hill towards us and almost hit my friend.

98- The little canoe threaded through a network of small canals towards the sea.

More Sentences: 1234
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