towards in a sentence

Use ‘towards’ in a sentence | ‘towards’ example sentences

1- This workshop is geared towards older students.

2- But towards morning heavy clouds spread across.

3- Unity is designed towards high technical level end users.

4- That confidence itself contributes towards better sales results.

5- There are many possible attitudes towards moral rules.

6- He is making real strides towards recovery.

7- Tournament crises are formed towards incorrectly elected awards.

8- One obvious example is parental altruism towards children.

9- The whole world is going towards “safe food”.

10- The vicious cycle towards poverty wound down hill.

11- This course counts towards 16 contact hours.

12- The path towards enlightenment was primarily through meditation.

13- The move towards bigger turbines is clearly accelerating.

14- His whole effort is towards nothing being changed.

15- Their entire life is geared towards art.

16- This class is geared towards qualified investors.

17- This series is geared towards muscle imbalances.

18- We must move towards environmentally friendly agriculture.

19- Many countries are already proceeding towards democracy.

20- The institution regularly assesses student progress towards achieving those outcomes.

21- Our duties towards animals are merely indirect duties towards humanity.

22- Our duties towards animals are merely indirect duties towards humanity.

23- Her artistic style has matured towards volume.

24- Gender disadvantage is often expressed through domestic violence towards women.

25- Later dynasties adopted different policies towards northern frontier defense.

26- The base identity is important towards ligand binding.

27- The workers were tending towards social democracy.

28- This approach had proven highly useful towards single gene disorders.

29- His contributions towards humanitarian causes are equally noteworthy.

30- The tribal society was slowly moving towards civilization.

31- The general ground configuration is having gentle slope towards east.

32- The 1980s team progressed cautiously towards victory.

33- His fashion sense is geared towards “young metropolitan adults.

34- The university college offers studies directed towards specific professions.

35- His attitude towards various religions was inconsistent.

36- The field is currently evolving however towards greater biodiversity.

37- A board game marketed towards kids was released called “”.

38- The movement became more geared towards consolidation through greater organisation.

39- The overall direction was towards centralized control.

40- PG syllabus has been revised once again towards more modernization. The country is moving towards the acclaimed goals of peace.

41- He turned more and more towards abstraction .

42- Her own work was also tending towards abstraction .

43- The coastal profile usually descends abruptly towards the sea.

44- Devil Dinosaur ends up swallowing A-Bomb as he then charges towards Hulk.

45- The latest country to move towards abolition is Mongolia.

46- He acted fairly towards me.

47- A boy came running towards me.

48- He is humble towards everyone.

49- She drew the chair towards her.

More Sentences: 1234
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