social scene in a sentence

Use ‘social scene’ in a sentence | ‘social scene’ example sentences

1- She soon began taking part in London’s exploding social scene .

2- Dane did not participate much in the Hollywood social scene .

3- What’s the social scene like at each?

4- For many this bar represents the pinnacle of the social scene .

5- It’s a big happy open social scene for smart ambitious kids.

6- You are active on the social scene and an excellent conversationalist.

7- A Coruña’s social scene is most popular on Summer nights.

8- He was looking to create a unique social scene for residents and visitors.

9- Veronica found herself banished from the exclusive 09er social scene and friends.

10- Stories can explode onto the social scene and then disappear from sight overnight.

11- The young couple soon became popular and familiar figures on the Chicago social scene .

12- When in town, Cromwell was a fixture within the Hollywood social scene .

13- Our social scene can be rejuvenated.

14- Haines and Shaw also perform with the band Broken social scene .

15- It is within the social scene that a leader can exert his communication skills.

16- Haines and James Shaw also perform with Broken social scene .

17- Broken social scene released their fourth full-length album on May 4, 2010.

18- Broken social scene , Justin Bieber and Hedley each received four nominations.

19- Mary was popular in the Springfield social scene but soon was attracted to Lincoln.

20- He is regularly exposed to the active social scene at the heart of Tokyo.

21- It made its debut this past September, headlined by Broken social scene .

22- Hindman threw himself into the political and social scenes in his new home state.

23- They were then introduced to the Sydney social scene at an A-List cocktail party.

24- Her divorce had forced her out of the social scene and into church based groups.

25- Darnell was very negative about the Hollywood social scene , finding it “nauseating”.

26- He preferred living in the Palatinate, with its salubrious climate and compatible social scene .

27- Arnold lived extravagantly in Philadelphia, and was a prominent figure on the social scene .

28- The woman ‘s testimony offered a glimpse into an alcohol-fueled social scene at the academy.

29- Although Graeme retired from medical work he did not retire from the Philadelphia social scene .

30- And then there’s the buzzing social scene happening here, especially on The Deck.

31- One of the aspects of La Salle’s social scene are its fraternities and sororities.

32- Finally our Christmas party is one of the lowlights of the Hong Kong social scene .

33- Contributing to this feeling were a number of growing tensions on the political and social scene .

34- He commented widely on the social scene , literature, music, prominent politicians and contemporary movements.

35- She sings on Broken social scene‘s most recent album “Forgiveness Rock Record”.

36- The area became a social scene , where young Seattle locals went to see and be seen.

37- Although billed as a solo project, nearly every Broken social scene member makes a cameo appearance.

38- Every business enterprise is a organ of society and its activities have impact on the social scene . ” Her principal home is in Mayfair, London, where she remains a regular face on the London social scene.

39- Over 220 of the international students hosted each semester choose to stay in Campus Village for convenience, to be near lecture halls, professors, and the social scene.

40- He preferred living in the Palatinate, with its salubrious climate and compatible social scene.

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