behind the scenes in a sentence

Use ‘behind the scenes’ in a sentence | ‘behind the scenes’ example sentences

1- Much has been happening behind the scenes .

2- But behind the scenes things were changing.

3- Extensive diplomatic negotiations continued behind the scenes .

4- There was already conflict behind the scenes .

5- The politics churning around behind the scenes here are intriguing .

6- But behind the scenes the claims were taken more seriously.

7- Do you prefer working ” behind the scenes “?

8- behind the scenes was where the real action took place.

9- But behind the scenes it has been very different.

10- behind the scenes all was joyful confusion.

11- All scripting and data movement takes place behind the scenes .

12- There were problems behind the scenes also.

13- They manipulate events from behind the scenes .

14- I will keep doing behind the scenes .

15- I too have been busy behind the scenes .

16- The military are still there behind the scenes .

17- But there was drama behind the scenes .

18- However, intense debates raged behind the scenes .

19- Things moving along nicely behind the scenes I reckon.

20- Remember He is always working behind the scenes .

21- The CIA directs everything behind the scenes .

22- behind the scenes , much is happening.

23- But behind the scenes it was a different story.

24- Much of it is behind the scenes .

25- I prefer to work quietly behind the scenes .

26- She also complimented the persons behind the scenes .

27- They are the ones running the world behind the scenes .

28- They were the people behind the scenes .

29- The blueprint for behind the scenes Broadway musicals.

30- A ” behind the scenes ” so to speak.

31- behind the scenes , our “cycles” are milestones.

32- Most of the walk is ” behind the scenes “.

33- Who’s moving the money behind the scenes ?

34- But that was just behind the scenes .

35- behind the scenes tours reveal the cider press room and cooler.

36- But behind the scenes there’s something very wrong.

37- I quickly learnt how things work behind the scenes .

38- All this is behind the scenes , however.

39- One of the key guys behind the scenes !

40- Problems existed behind the scenes as well. Who’s pulling the strings behind the scenes?

41- The police say there’s someone pulling string behind the scenes.

42- 781525“There is something going on behind the scenes which is hidden.

43- “We know that they do behind the scenes, but we want it done publicly.

44- Gemini (May 21-June 20): Today is a 7 — The action is behind the scenes.

45- NK: Well, there were a lot of things going on behind the scenes personally.

46- 432488I was told to come from behind the scenes and don’t be afraid to shine.

47- behind the scenes, those same statements were not alarming Democratic fundraisers.

48- A Survey of behind the scenes Personal Data Sharing to Third Parties by Mobile Apps.

49- And here’s how the whole thing was orchestrated behind the scenes, if you must know.

50- But behind the scenes, the infrastructure looks to be getting stronger and bigger too.

More Sentences: 123
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