at the scene in a sentence

Use ‘at the scene’ in a sentence | ‘at the scene’ example sentences

1- There were angels present at the scene .

2- A “suspect” was arrested at the scene .

3- One child was confirmed dead at the scene .

4- at the scene 14 people were found dead.

5- One individual was treated at the scene .

6- A five shot revolver was recovered at the scene .

7- Authorities said multiple shooters were at the scene .

8- Seven victims were treated at the scene .

9- Similar objects were found at the scene .

10- One person was detained at the scene .

11- Police dogs were deployed at the scene .

12- The soldier was arrested at the scene .

13- There were actually four officers at the scene .

14- They were both pronounced dead at the scene .

15- Three clues were found at the scene .

16- The men remained at the scene until police arrived.

17- One suspect is arrested at the scene .

18- Everyone present at the scene was shocked.

19- Journalists at the scene documented bleeding head wounds.

20- Staff are at the scene directing traffic .

21- The emergency services are still at the scene .

22- A pill bottle was found at the scene .

23- Its male driver died at the scene .

24- The elderly man died at the scene .

25- One gun was found at the scene .

26- One child seat was found at the scene .

27- Hall was declared dead at the scene .

28- The report evidences that defendants were at the scene .

29- Army bomb experts and police remained at the scene overnight.

30- Rescue workers pronounced Price dead at the scene .

31- The church event wasn’t held at the scene .

32- The 22-year-old died at the scene .

33- Tire prints that were very unique were discovered at the scene .

34- Tire marks matching his truck were found at the scene .

35- I peer through its little ambush at the scene below.

36- A second officer arrived at the scene soon after.

37- An IRA bomb exploded at the scene 40 minutes later.

38- Two buses of special forces had arrived at the scene .

39- Reports place U.S. ground troops at the scene .

40- Sheila was then declared dead at the scene . He was surprised at the scene.

41- A crowd gathered at the scene.

42- I think it’s true that he wasn’t at the scene.

43- It seems that he has been at the scene of the crime.

44- There was no evidence against him found at the scene.

45- We waited at the scene of the accident till the police came.

46- Even police were shocked by what they saw when they arrived at the scene of the accident.

47- The driver of the car was unconscious when the police arrived at the scene of the accident.

48- A knife was found at the scene of the murder, and has become the most important evidence the police have to link the killing to the suspect.

49- The suspect’s wife alleges that he was with her at home the night of the killing, but a number of witnesses have placed him at the scene of the murder.

50- Heier says the 2-year-old and man were pronounced dead at the scene.

More Sentences: 1234
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