set the scene in a sentence

Use ‘set the scene’ in a sentence | ‘set the scene’ example sentences

1- Half the three hour runtime is spent setting the scene .

2- Here, a magnificent waterfall sets the scene .

3- These events set the scene for a tumultuous trial.

4- This set the scene for massive growth in candidates.

5- Erm you need to set the scene .

6- Here are a few photos to set the scene .

7- There he is, setting the scene .

8- First, let’s set the scene .

9- How do you set the scene up?

10- Okay, let’s first set the scene .

11- New planes were created to set the scene for new storylines.

12- This sets the scene for an interesting exploration program in 2013 .

13- Its terms of reference set the scene for the project .

14- It sort of sets the scene for what follows.

15- But first, let me set the scene a little bit.

16- set the scene but don’t go nuts.

17- Lucy Lane always set the scene and he liked that.

18- Annan set the scene for the introduction of Channel 4.

19- Gallico sometimes sets the scene by describing his stories as legends.

20- He sets the scene , intervenes, sums up.

21- It might set the scene for the Chair of ASEAN.

22- This unconventional exhibition space sets the scene for daring, ground breaking explorations.

23- She bolsters herself with brave talk and leaves to set the scene .

24- This environment coupled with heredity can set the scene for panic disorder.

25- Setting the scene for radical change.

26- Setting the scene So back to Wilderley.

27- Flaming torch lighting and traditional music set the scene beautifully for evening meals.

28- These brilliantly set the scene and reintroduce the Pevsner flavour.

29- This set the scene for a surge in Labour representation in parliament.

30- He wanted me to do you and he set the scene .

31- Sets the scene and explains the nature and purpose of the report.

32- Allow me to set the scene .

33- Let’s first set the scene .

34- The plaintiff’s culpability was in setting the scene for the accident.

35- It has set the scene for a bullish week ahead f. CO-FX.

36- Steps 1, 2 and 3 are ‘ setting the scene ‘ steps.

37- Then as now, this set the scene for an unusual result.

38- There are two ‘Wiesn’ parades that normally set the scene .

39- That sets the scene , but the next stage is the adrenergic response.

40- The pre-training briefing sets the scene for later training transfer to the workplace. We have to set the scene for negotiations.

41- Corden, in his introduction, set the scene as 1987 and that seems about right.

42- The episode set the scene of the Washita attack in Colorado instead of Oklahoma, the site of the actual battle.

More Sentences:
Related Words:
opening sceneinvolved in the sceneangry scenesocial scenecrime scenedepicting scenebehind the scenesset the sceneinternational sceneworld sceneat the sceneon the scenechange of scenesteal the scenecome on the scene

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