pour away in a sentence

pour away in a sentence

1) The water was poured away and a thick residue collected.

2) The village reversed, took off and poured away .

3) The wheel kept spinning, the damned kept pouring away their money.

4) Farmers reportedly poured away milk and faced selling cows to a buyerless market.

5) As a result my mother went home and poured away all her stock.

6) Remove the roasting pan from the oven and pour away any oil in the pan.

7) They are then warmed and sterilized with hot water, the excess is then poured away .

8) Gordon Rockley and Russel Merkin are each losing £1000 a week pouring away milk supplies.

9) Cook in the oven for 20 minutes, then pour away as much fat as possible from the roasting tin.

10) If the adventurers have wedged open the door at the bottom of the stairs, the mucus pours away into a magical nothingness over the landing area.

11) The Inwai extra back from the waist Leonardo himself! ! The pouring away æ·”æ±. . After insertion raw appeal, it is awakening out in the nabla.

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