pour batter in a sentence

pour batter in a sentence

1) pour batter into the prepared loaf pan.

2) pour batter into tin and spread evenly.

3) pour batter in middle and quickly tilt to spread .

4) pour batter into a pan and bake for 15 minutes.

5) pour batter over nuts and coconut flakes in the pan.

6) pour the batter into the cake pan, smoothing the top.

7) pour the cake batter over the prepared Cake Tin.

8) pour the batter into an oiled dish .

9) So pour that batter , flip them on to the plate.

10) You then pour the batter over the top of the apples.

11) pour batter into the prepared pan.

12) pour batter into the baking dish.

13) pour batter in a clean bowl .

14) pour batter into 4 8 -ounce ramekins.

15) Split mixture in half and pour batter into prepared spring-form tins .

16) pour batter into a greased (pammed) glass baking pan.

17) Quickly pour the cornmeal batter into the skillet.

18) Ladle or pour the batter in the centre of the pan.

19) pour batter into bundt cake pan.

20) pour batter into hot, greased cast iron pan dusted with corn meal.

21) pour batter into a tube pan that has been sprayed with cooking oil spray.

22) pour batter into two greased and floured 9-inch round layer cake pans.

23) pour batter into pan and bake at 375 degrees for 12 to 15 minutes.

24) Pumpkin Bars Stir well then pour pumpkin batter into a jelly roll pan.

25) Remove the pan from oven and pour egg batter over the butter and fruit.

26) pour batter into three 9-inch cake pans that have been buttered and floured.

27) pour batter in prepared pans.

28) pour batter into cupcake pan or cake pans, dividing the batter equally between them.

29) Now you have to pour the batter out on a well floured surface .

30) pour the batter into the prepared skillet and spread it in an even layer.

31) Spread pecans evenly over the bottom of the prepared pan and pour batter over pecans.

32) pour the batter into a greased (or Pam sprayed) 9 inch round cake pan.

33) Turn the heat up to 425 *F and pour the batter into the pie shell.

34) The batter is poured into clay pots with banana leaves, with coals on top and below.

35) pour the batter into two, well greased and floured 9 inch, square cake pans.

36) pour the batter into the cake pan, and smooth out the surface with a spatula.

37) pour the batter into the hot pan, tilting the pan so the batter covers the bottom.

38) The batter is poured in rounds onto a hot griddle or frying pan and cooked on both sides.

39) Is is possible you did not reheat your pan with the drippings before pouring the batter in?

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