pour through in a sentence

pour through in a sentence

1) From there the momentum doesn’t stop as the hits just keep pouring through .

2) Selfish clouds taking away from the sun’s glory; rain aching to pour through .

3) The roof is in a right mess because the water’s been just pouring through .

4) The seizure of Sheria broke open the whole Turkish position, and allowed the EEF to pour through .

5) After having wandered through a large part of Hell, she finally finds a crack through which moonlight pours through .

6) The tanks would create a hole in the lines through a massed attack, and the infantry would pour through .

7) Breezin is just wonderful,what a great faithful rendition.The joy just pours through ,liking that one.

8) Patton’s 4th Armored Division poured through into Germany and received all the credit without giving the 761st honorable mention.

9) A less-common design uses a moving belt of cossettes, with water pumped onto the top of the belt and poured through .

10) On the 1st February, with surprising ferocity, 4th Armee suddenly attacked north to close the breach that 33rd Army had poured through .

11) Soon the Marines were pouring through , blazing at the enemy as they split into groups to head for the fuel tanks, the gas drums and other targets.

12) ” She is interrupted by an exploding Combine Door, which a Hunter and several Combine Elite soldiers pour through .

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