pour down in a sentence

pour down in a sentence

1) The sweat was pouring down his forehead.

2) But more and more water came pouring down .

3) It was pouring down with rain though.

4) Outside the thin walls the cold rain poured down .

5) The rain was pouring down in torrents and visibility was poor.

6) That night, heavy rain pours down across the entire desert.

7) Outside, the rain pours down relentlessly.

8) The blood poured down , temporarily blinding that eye anyway.

9) Quite extraordinary behaviour – the rain was pouring down .

10) The sweat was pouring down my face and soaking my hair.

11) He could feel the sweat pouring down his face.

12) After the third cry, the rain poured down .

13) We sing, as the rain pours down .

14) People lined up even though it was pouring down with rain.

15) The drool pours down her breasts and flows down her belly.

16) They looked large against the light pouring down over the flat land.

17) It began raining about 5 minutes ago and is just pouring down .

18) Several smaller rivers pour down off the Cheringoma Plateau.

19) She screamed wildly, and the piddle poured down her throat.

20) Water pouring down from the makara signifies the works of science.

21) At night of August 18, 1947, heavy rain poured down .

22) The rain continued to pour down .

23) He then insisted it would pour down on the final day .

24) Sky poured down to the bottom.

25) Outside, rain poured down , just like the weatherman had predicted.

26) Tears swelled my eyes and poured down my dirty, 8-year-old cheeks.

27) The rain kept pouring down , and she noticed Shumira was shivering.

28) Scalding tears poured down her face.

29) Unlike the regular drip brew, the coffee does not start pouring down immediately.

30) Have you ever listened to your festival conversations when it’s pouring down ?

31) In early 1986 a huge flood began pouring down from the Sierra Nevada mountains.

32) Monica, tears pouring down her cheeks, gave a tragic smile of triumph.

33) It poured down raining so we didn’t have a good turn out.

34) Actually, rain would be a gross understatement, it was absolutely pouring down .

35) As is the weather’s wont, it literally pours down after our set.

36) But the skies were darkening and the rain was pouring down over the fields.

37) Love, pure, utter love came pouring down on me along with incredible warmth.

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