pour coffee in a sentence

pour coffee in a sentence

1) The hand that poured the coffee was steady.

2) Just making sandwiches and pouring coffee and wiping counters.

3) Rain frowned as she poured the coffee .

4) From pouring the perfect coffee to sewing an LED jacket .

5) Sharon passed round Mars bars, poured coffee in me cup.

6) She poured the appetizing coffee into her tin cup.

7) pour : Slowly pour the coffee slowly into a coffee cup.

8) She’d be relegated to pouring coffee , catching up.

9) She poured coffee and then glanced over in his direction.

10) Rudakov poured more coffee into Holly’s mug.

11) Hussa got out the della and began to pour coffee .

12) The coffee is then poured out from the carafe.

13) Sara poured coffee and sat down.

14) Is she a barista because she pours coffee for money ?

15) Polly poured the coffee , adding milk and three spoonfuls of sugar.

16) Buckmaster poured coffee for himself, Marler said nothing.

17) On cold mornings , grandma poured a little coffee in our hot cereal.

18) He poured hot coffee into the mugs and her nose twitched.

19) Birkett was pouring the coffee out into mugs.

20) My iced coffee came and it was clearly hot coffee poured over ice .

21) He was pouring coffee and she watched his thick, well-manicured hands.

22) Lee poured more coffee from the flask with Philip holding the torch.

23) He poured coffee , and passed her a cup in wry silence.

24) Helen poured coffee but left them to take it from the tray.

25) He stared at the tablecloth while Madeleine poured coffee into his big cup.

26) pour the hot coffee into a blender with about 6 oz of ice.

27) Howard pours the coffee , trying to feel that the whole situation is normal.

28) He poured the coffee , adding a good measure of brandy to each mug.

29) Philip poured more coffee and held the cup in his hands to warm them.

30) As she poured coffee for Jenny and Paul, she felt unbearably sad.

31) She was already pouring coffee .

32) He turned and very slowly, very carefully, poured the coffee into the cups.

33) Back in the kitchen he poured coffee , adding sweetened condensed milk for instant energy.

34) poured coffee , muttering under my breath about a line snaking halfway to hell.

35) Then he poured the coffee .

36) I pour a hot coffee , and sit sipping at it in my kitchen armchair.

37) She wandered into the kitchen, poured some coffee and slumped down at the table.

38) While Pooley poured the coffee , Milton waited for Blenkinsop to seat himself comfortably.

39) Marla goes to pour coffee .

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