passersby in a sentence

Use ‘passersby’ in a sentence | ‘passersby’ example sentences

1- passersby continue to turn prayer wheel while chanting silent prayers.

2- The attack killed four passersby and injured 18 others.

3- The mob did not attack the few white passersby .

4- She was smoking and asking passersby for money.

5- The man left when he saw oncoming passersby .

6- The next afternoon, the chick ignored passersby .

7- These ghosts usually show up in solitary paths and block passersby .

8- passersby may release the cat or steal the trap.

9- The passersby could participate by looking inside the box.

10- All, even passersby , are welcome to partake.

11- Many passersby honked in support, while others disagreed.

12- To bother or harass: street gangs hassling passersby .

13- They sold it by the bowl to passersby .

14- Even passersby found themselves roped in on the act.

15- He was trying to sell the coat to passersby for $10.

16- In retrospect, Jarvis believed many passersby were intimidated by its complexity.

17- Maybe she just blended in with passersby and vanished?

18- The “water mice” didn’t pay much attention to the passersby .

19- Onsite workers and passersby are vulnerable to serious injury when accidents occur.

20- Volunteers handed out hundreds of “pregnancy help” cards to young passersby .

21- After three minutes and sixty-three passersby , a breakthrough occurred.

22- passersby and nearby residents helped the police take the children to hospitals .

23- Street performers danced and sang ; fortunetellers enticed passersby .

24- Casual passersby have an excuse to pause and rest a bit.

25- British debtors’ prisons even had windows where prisoners could beg from passersby .

26- Two Hands reach skyward beckoning passersby to pray for peace.

27- Crossroads have traditionally been excellent places to display and sell wares to passersby .

28- Several passersby and witnesses were also being credited with helping save her life .

29- Soviet soldiers robbed merchants and passersby .

30- One afternoon he smashed up a gazebo and attacked staff and passersby .

31- But it makes passersby feel good.

32- passersby rushed the wounded to hospitals .

33- It also affords privacy from passersby .

34- Media persons and passersby were stopped 2 km away to prevent a flare-up.

35- Ultrasonic sensors trigger the digital signage and provide a startling experience to passersby .

36- The installation is entirely controlled by sensors that measure the heart rates of passersby .

37- Homeless AM seek AF to join me in cadging cigarettes from passersby .

38- Some passersby see the camera and are curious of what’s taking place.

39- No passersby reached out to help and then another car ran over her.

40- A random sample of new words did not go down well with passersby . The explosion killed several passersby.

41- They distributed pamphlets to passersby.

42- Traffic and passersby stopped as they were slowly seen off from the little village.

43- During the demonstration, a group of kids started smashing windows, and yelling at passersby.

44- There were a group of adolescents standing outside the arena, smoking and yelling at passersby.

45- passersby turn around to watch and whisper when they catch sight of his cyborg look.

46- They simply leave its door open to allow access to any passersby in need food or a rest.

47- 818460The vehicles would have to be locked and the firearms stored out of sight of passersby.

48- 698120The community is the same way; several passersby at the crash immediately stopped to help.

49- It’s bizarre, but it’s one of a kind, and it’s there to let passersby know the Watch has arrived.

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