passionate in a sentence

Use ‘passionate’ in a sentence | ‘passionate’ example sentences

1- Its personality is developed through passionate storytelling.

2- The passionate ones are those attending user group meetings.

3- What unfolds is a passionate yet predictable apology.

4- But those who are truly “inspiring” are abundantly passionate .

5- He showed passionate intensity without any focus.

6- Once private enterprise was excluded in passionate principle.

7- I was more passionate about starting businesses.

8- We are very passionate about every project.

9- Their kisses grew longer and more passionate .

10- His passionate love of life was contagious.

11- These children are passionate learners and eager assistants.

12- She is passionate about preventing domestic abuse.

13- Reason has never had a more passionate advocate.

14- Its sound consists of passionate vocals set against heavy rock beats.

15- Mann is passionate about endurance horse racing.

16- She is such a passionate little woman.

17- He is someone who is very passionate .

18- This has sparked passionate discourse and debate .

19- Her poems – only recently rediscovered – are strikingly passionate .

20- Our owner is tremendously passionate about football .

21- Both were passionate critics of fiduciary paper currency.

22- Every organisation needs committed and passionate brand champions.

23- We’re both very passionate film persons.

24- Because family sentiment is passionate , isolated nuclear families are rare.

25- The answer is simple, passionate followers.

26- This walk is strong on passionate essays and vibrant pictures.

27- He is passionate about classical piano and liturgical music.

28- He is a committed and increasingly passionate agnostic.

29- They are passionate about golf and providing great service.

30- Paula is passionate about providing the highest quality nursing care.

31- His passionate fury made him lose all control.

32- He is a passionate and appropriately zealous advocate.

33- Some passionate rugby played and some great friends made!

34- They are passionate about protecting these resources.

35- They were passionate musicians having a great time.

36- He is passionate about baseball and football.

37- His stories are touching and his poetry is passionate .

38- She is passionate about getting females interested in engineering.

39- I feel very passionate about my cause.

40- Ideal candidates should be passionate with web technology. But those who are truly “inspiring” are abundantly passionate.

41- The boy regularly absconded for passionate weekends.

42- She had a passionate interest in music.

43- The couple were locked in a passionate embrace.

44- Find someone who is a passionate person.

45- passiveI like such a passionate picture as Gogh painted.

46- So passionate was his letter that she was moved to tears.

47- Scientist David Suzuki is very passionate about saving our environment.

48- Bill is a very dynamic speaker, his presentations are always interesting and passionate.

49- Being able to smile while in great distress is not duck soup for a passionate individual.

50- Rock singer Bono has been a passionate advocate for Third World debt relief in recent years.

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