passersby in a sentence 2

Use ‘passersby’ in a sentence | ‘passersby’ example sentences

50- Many passersby react to the opera with a momentary perplexity that seems to fade as they walk on.

51- Although passersby tried to help the family, there were “no doctors, no medicine” and Ghassan died.

52- Fauna European mink Although the most spectacular for visitors are the deer and birds, the real wealth of the pools animal is hidden from the eyes of passersby.

53- The spoons are scattered in the street and stolen by passersby.

54- A popular wall of signatures stood proudly at Zarooni’s Collector’s Exhibition for passersby to put their vote behind this unique voice for peace and prosperity.

55- The color and bustle of the marketplace is accentuated by vendors who call out their prices to passersby.

56- She sings “Pardon Me, Madame” for them, and soon the hotel guests, staff, and even passersby are singing with her.

57- She henceforth lived in the woods and preyed upon passersby, and warned Roger that the same thing will ultimately happen to him.

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