passed in a sentence

Use ‘passed’ in a sentence | ‘passed’ example sentences

1- The incoming density fields are passed through.

2- Most cultures are passed down within families.

3- The scheme has passed through 20 editions.

4- Stories passed down orally through generations are folklore.

5- One last continuing resolution was passed lasting three days.

6- At least forty five states passed laws against digital harassment.

7- The house has passed through four distinct periods.

8- The district has passed through several distinct historical periods.

9- The industrial relations laws were passed without substantial change.

10- His annual income passed $12 million.

11- The revised bill passed easily without further changes.

12- A city ordinance was passed prohibiting dogs.

13- My dad passed suddenly 2 years ago.

14- Several days passed before troops restored full order.

15- The assassin passed through apparently heavy security.

16- An “outside passed pawn” is particularly deadly.

17- Two connected passed pawns are very strong.

18- This commonplace practice had previously passed without comment.

19- The total expenses eventually passed $15 billion.

20- Five minutes passed before contact was made.

21- Well formed stools are easily passed without straining .

22- The landmark was passed late last week .

23- This initiation has been passed throughout generations .

24- Providence has passed many city ordinances addressing dog ownership.

25- Five years passed before another alumni association meeting was held.

26- He had passed away four days before.

27- The major voting laws were passed forty years ago.

28- He passed away approximately seven years ago.

29- A full six thousand years had passed .

30- The next ten minutes passed in utter silence.

31- Be sure the word passed is favorable.

32- A frustrating ninety seconds passed before they were successful.

33- How many states have passed admitting privileges laws?

34- The next couple of weeks passed slowly.

35- New laws were passed to restrict such demolition.

36- He passed away several years ago now.

37- The student has passed the qualifying evaluation.

38- The word was passed to those standing near.

39- Social security numbers allegedly passed around in clear sight.

40- Ages passed till the truth became manifest. He accosted me with trepidation and passed on.

41- The declaration was passed by acclamation on 12 July.

42- In each case, the resolutions passed by acclamation .

43- In a symbolic gesture the House later passed the motion unanimously by acclamation .

44- The declaration was passed by acclamation on 12 July.

45- In each case, the resolutions passed by acclamation .

46- In a symbolic gesture the House later passed the motion unanimously by acclamation .

47- The plenary passed a resolution on Voting Rights by acclamation (see text elsewhere this issue).

48- The age of abundant cheap oil is passed.

49- Abut 50,000 factories in Zhejiang were shut down until Wipha passed.

50- The bill was passed by 197 votes to 50 with 74 abstentions .

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