passingly in a sentence

Use ‘passingly’ in a sentence | ‘passingly’ example sentences

1- The hearing officer passingly referred to the issue of bullying in his decision.

2- Lili seemed able to make both her and Syl’s mother passingly amusing.

3- There is not too much use found for these in electronics, although three-state devices are passingly common.

4- Is Eclipse a good system?This is a ” passingly good” product series… not stellar.

5- Color me passingly interested .

6- Two are passingly mentioned by Isidore as successive governors in the time of Suinthila, but he omits their names.

7- Some sangam period works also passingly refer to the krita age king’s war with demons and his victory against them.

8- He got through the night with a series of gags that were unremarkable , passingly amusing, and at times flat.

9- I hope you are only passingly depressed by my letter & that what I can write later on will erect your spirits.

10- I only passingly flirted with psych meds myself but I did a fair and regular share of weed, coffee, alcohol, psychedelics, and the occasional benzo, opiate, and even friends’ neuroleptics (to help me sleep off binges) for several years.

11- Plus, the yawping nightmare blues of The Birthday Party could still shock your parents, whereas they might be passingly familiar with The Go Betweens or The Triffids.

12- I made this person aware that I had lost my job and he never made any comments about modifying my payments, even though initially he had passingly mentioned that sometimes he had a sliding scale depending on the person’s financial status.

13- Meanwhile, Ron Meyer passingly suggested to Zucker and Gaspin, based off the public outcry, that they should stick with O’Brien; the two executives agreed to send him on his way.

14- Early years of Faramir’s life are described in the main narrative of “The Lord of the Rings” only passingly , with more detail revealed in the appendices.

15- It’s implied that the Hover Train stays with Clara, Jules and Verne, passingly mentioned as enjoying the same nomadic life around the time-stream of Doc.

16- He is then passingly referenced by Roy as he is Roy’s current sponsor for his alcoholism at the time when Roy was in a bar with Jason Todd.

17- Nietzsche also refers passingly to “Twelfth Night” (specifically, to Sir Andrew Aguecheek’s suspicion, expressed in Act 1, Scene 3, that his excessive intake of beef is having an inverse effect on his wit) in the third essay of his “Genealogy of Morality”.

18- This was always under conditions where one or both parties were unknown by the other, for these knights loved each other ” passingly well.” Gareth was knighted by Lancelot himself when he took upon him the adventure on behalf of Dame Lynette.

19- The biblical reference to a woman (Rev 12:1) adorned with the sun, standing on the moon (Islam’s use of the Arab Crescent) is more than passingly relevant.

20- Gold, take a look at my comment on the US economy and, passingly , gold, from an earlier thread today:

21- ” His letters only passingly mention other artists, but include scathing comments on Graham Sutherland coupled with his own wish to design work for cathedrals.

22- ” In fact, the hospital was so poorly regarded that its shrine to Saint Eligius was commonly defiled by the hospital’s visitors “and” staff, and is passingly referred to by Dr. Wayne Fiscus as “the patron saint of longshoremen and bowlers.

23- posted by rongorongo at 7:34 PM on May 3 for those of you interested in Britpop, I suggest Phonogram , which was so incredibly inside baseball as to be almost completely inscrutable to me, but I suspect anyone more than passingly familiar with Britpop will enjoy.

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