crime scene in a sentence

Use ‘crime scene’ in a sentence | ‘crime scene’ example sentences

1- The solar system is a crime scene .

2- It cites crime scene reports and witness testimony.

3- There is no single recommended crime scene kit.

4- Police investigated twelve separate crime scenes in ten locations.

5- The crime scene suggested a fierce struggle had taken place.

6- Neighbours yet again washed down the crime scene .

7- crime scene photos are taken from three vantage point.

8- Child pornography is a crime scene photograph .

9- The crime scene had been “completely trampled upon”.

10- They did not declare a crime scene .

11- The measure blocks the release of graphic crime scene photographs.

12- T he crime scene was meticulously documented in 1986.

13- The focus here is restricted to physical evidence from crime scenes .

14- She takes pictures of the crime scene .

15- She was found dead at the crime scene .

16- The police had gathered 26 fingerprints from the crime scene .

17- The scene is now a crime scene .

18- War zones or crime scenes are dangerous to shoot live .

19- Detectives soon arrived and sealed the crime scene .

20- Where’s the yellow crime scene tape?

21- The forensic index contains DNA profiles obtained from crime scene evidence.

22- The police investigate Mike’s crime scene .

23- No institution brings LT to a crime scene .

24- At the crime scene , two police officers arrive.

25- Some five thousand people had even toured the crime scene .

26- There was no evidence at the biggest crime scene .

27- It was “a horrific crime scene “, Brown said.

28- Oil spills, crime scene investigations and DNA sampling.

29- Imagine a gigantic crime scene outline … of a whale.

30- C: recognize that the patient is a walking crime scene .

31- The killer’s dog was also present at this crime scene .

32- Detectives arrested Fields at the crime scene for further questioning.

33- Use this guide to do some crime scene investigation.

34- How many other kids corpses have you seen at crime scenes ?

35- Reinstating the crime scene is often not possible.

36- He insists he was not at the crime scene .

37- The DNA obtained from the crime scene matched Reyes.

38- The crime scene they investigate is one of a young woman.

39- crime scene Services is responsible for processing all crime scenes.

40- crime scene Services is responsible for processing all crime scenes . crime scene bullets were the only evidence linking him to the crime.

41- What first appeared to be small brush fire turned into a crime scene.

42- His iPhone 4 was the only item that went missing from the crime scene.

43- There are witnesses who saw Zschäpe running away from the crime scene.

44- The sheriff’s office is now processing the residence as a crime scene.

45- “(Police) managed to secure a crime scene and check cellphone records.

46- Prosecutors have said a white towel was later found at the crime scene.

47- Richard Ellis / EPA 6. Police close off streets close to the crime scene.

48- Officers also stopped and arrested a 17-year-old girl near the crime scene.

49- Responding soldiers found empty shells for cal. 45 pistol at the crime scene.

50- 636632Some people saw police put up red crime scene tape around the stadium.

More Sentences: 12
Related Words:
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