behind-the-scenes in a sentence 3

Use ‘behind the scenes’ in a sentence | ‘behind the scenes’ example sentences

101- EP’s hosts travel the world bringing viewers behind the scenes of the global game business to meet the planet’s most respected videogame creators.

102- Junior would unknowingly act as the lightning rod for the feds, while Tony would run the family from behind the scenes as a de facto boss starting in 2000.

103- Fans can also join the official Dale Earnhardt fan club, Club E, for more insider information and behind the scenes experiences at Dale Earnhardt Incorporated.

104- Club Scandal is a cellphone-based fanclub with exclusive videos and interviews, behind the scenes bonus material, pictures, and up-to-the minute news on the band.

105- For his college thesis, Davidson created a photo essay that was published in Life in 1955, documenting the emotions of football players behind the scenes of the game.

More Sentences: 123
Related Words:
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