pour cold water in a sentence

pour cold water in a sentence

1) Is Cape Town pouring cold water on by-laws?

2) A new peer-reviewed paper from NOAA pours cold water on both claims.

3) pour cold water , preferably filtered, into the bowl of seeds.

4) He collapsed so they stripped him and poured cold water over him.

5) I dragged him out and poured cold water on his head for half an hour.

6) Arsenal were in the final, but Chapman poured cold water on hopes for the Double.

7) Much like the Wicked Witch of the West when Dorothy pours cold water on her.

8) After this preamble, however, he proceeded to pour cold water upon his sovereign’s ardor.

9) After a few seconds, use a faucet to pour cold water over the same score line.

10) LITTLE Sophie Johnson starred as a soap queen yesterday – and poured cold water on the show.

11) But he pours cold water on the notion of some 1992 explosion of new business in Europe.

12) Quickly plunge him into cold water or pour cold water (the colder the better) on him.

13) Continuing in the same vein, Spears poured cold water on the notion that America might join the war.

14) Probably even more useful is to pour cold water directly on the head and begin to cool the brain down.

15) I don’t want to pour cold water , Folly, but what if they didn’t believe you?

16) A number of experts have poured cold water on the idea that the missile could be a threat, however.

17) The club could come out and pour cold water on this, any other players, or indeed MoPo leaving.

18) He started to pour cold water over me, in part to staunch the blood, in part to revive me.

19) DO NOT try to speed up the cooling process by pouring cold water over the canner or some other artificial method.

20) Tonight’s episode 10 finds ‘on off’ girlfriend Sharon Maughan pouring cold water on Tony’s feeble attempts to explain.

21) Ranma, still a bit battered, is pouring cold water on Nabiki’s face in a effort to wake her up.

22) And that reality, coupled with the outfit’s frightening room to grow, would appear to pour cold water on the exit talk circulating.

23) If one dislocated his hand or foot, he may not pour cold water on it; but he may wash it in his (usual) way.

24) Sadly the beloved eldest brother, Beverley, who had poured cold water on the whole idea of Eva going to Africa, was never to hear of her success.

25) But WHO poured cold water over the NDA announcement and the Post-Courier felt it necessary to fry the doctors on its front page.

26) However, Andy gets cold feet when he has to perform a stunt by pouring cold water in his eyes as to re-enact a chemical burn scenario.

27) The meeting minutes for the latest BOE meeting pour cold water on the notion the bank will start to raise interest rates sooner than anticipated.

28) However, when the dot com bubble of the 1990s suddenly popped, that poured cold water over the talk of such a digital revolution.

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