thousand in a sentence 4

Use ‘thousand’ in a sentence | ‘thousand’ example sentences

150- It is difficult to determine if temperature changes over the last fifty years are due to pollution or simply to normal variations in climate which could only be recognized if we were able to study records for the last ten thousand years.

151- 616505She responded, Yeah, but that’s like five thousand calories!”

152- The number of Lee’s forces is put down at about twenty thousand men.

153- Why can’t our feeble leaders stop a few thousand exhausted migrants?”

154- 333916I gave the kid a thousand-dollar tip that night,”” Asaro said.”

155- They’re expected to fetch several hundred thousand dollars at auction.

156- You will not make 40 thousand dollars a year right out of high school.

157- Fifty thousand people were on hand to witness the giant’s maiden flight.

158- It was one of almost a thousand lessons happening in 23 other countries.

159- The archdiocese is facing a fine of a few thousand dollars if convicted.

160- Sixty-thousand doctors have signed a petition calling for strike action.

161- “Even so, Deere employs several thousand more people today than in 2009.”

162- “He asked me for a thousand dollars, which was a lot for me,” Knott said.

More Sentences: 1234
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