Use ‘thousand’ in a sentence | ‘thousand’ example sentences
51- His salary is thousand yen per month.
52- She has no more than one thousand yen.
53- She has no less than one thousand yen.
54- The cost amounted to five thousand yen.
55- I have no more than three thousand yen.
56- I have not more than three thousand yen.
57- As many as a thousand people were there.
58- I can’t live on ten thousand yen a month.
59- He sold me the book for one thousand yen.
60- I have no less than one thousand records.
61- What is rounded to the nearest thousand?
62- He gave me no less than five thousand yen.
63- He bought a bicycle for fifty thousand yen.
64- We ran over the budget by two thousand yen.
65- He saved no less than ten thousand dollars.
66- There are about a thousand students in all.
67- He gave me not less than five thousand yen.
68- Our school has about one thousand students.
69- The expenses are ten thousand yen per head.
70- The bill added up to three thousand dollars.
71- She was chosen from ten thousand applicants.
72- I have a deposit of a thousand dollars here.
73- I want to change ten thousand yen to dollars.
74- His debts amounted to a thousand dollars.
75- EldadHe has no less than two thousand yen with him.
76- I paid twenty thousand yen for this hearing aid.
77- The total is approximately ten thousand dollars.
78- His car cost him upward of ten thousand dollars.
79- I put ten thousand yen into the bank every month.
80- He notices a thousand times a day the difference.
81- He is good for five thousand dollars.
82- eastasiastudentMother gives my sister two thousand yen every month.
83- I was fined six thousand yen for a parking violation.
84- He made a profit of ten thousand dollars on the sale.
85- I am given a monthly allowance of fifty thousand yen.
86- We purchased a new house for eighty thousand dollars.
87- I give my mother fifty thousand yen on payday every month.
88- She won no less than ten thousand dollars in a competition.
89- He drew a check for twenty thousand yen in favor of his wife.
90- My parents rely on my monthly allowance of fifty thousand yen.
91- The price was only three thousand yen, or about thirty dollars.
92- If you add one hundred to one thousand, you get eleven hundred.
93- Twenty-four thousand people claim Ainu ancestry in Japan today.
94- Preserved in his laboratory were more than a thousand notebooks.
95- She rents the room to a student for seventy thousand yen a month.
96- About eighty thousand spectators packed into the stadium last night.
97- The earth came into existence about five thousand million years ago.
98- A Chinese proverb tells us, “Deviate an inch, lose a thousand miles.
99- “Every month, he saved ten thousand yen out of his income for his daughter.
100- The cowboys rode over the plain with their herd of several thousand cattle.
More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 –
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