thoughts in a sentence

Use ‘thoughts’ in a sentence | ‘thoughts’ example sentences

1- His thoughts were therefore turned upon travelling.

2- The “many mansions” suggest many thoughts .

3- The thoughts flashed through her mind uncontrolled.

4- The point is that thoughts themselves are phenomenal.

5- Your inner thoughts lead to outer action.

6- Various schools of thoughts suggest different approaches.

7- Hence their best “spiritual” thoughts are wicked thoughts.

8- Hence their best “spiritual” thoughts are wicked thoughts .

9- thoughts messaging is another priceless piece of telephony platform.

10- A thousand thoughts passed through my brain.

11- My thoughts ran too much on death.

12- But in heaven those thoughts were suddenly gone.

13- Writing things down always clarified her thoughts .

14- Her thoughts were interrupted by another noise downstairs.

15- A curtain was drawn across his thoughts .

16- Many such thoughts are triggered by common everyday experiences.

17- Any thoughts comments or suggestions are welcomed!

18- Their thoughts and tactical ideas were especially appreciated.

19- So many thoughts running around my head.

20- Your thoughts and suggestions are always welcome.

21- These thoughts continued and were heightened around mile 13.

22- I have “racing” thoughts 57 7.

23- So many thoughts going through my head.

24- She was still having difficulty gathering her thoughts together.

25- These unconscious thoughts are based on previous experiences.

26- So many thoughts were racing through my mind.

27- Even uplifting thoughts are keeping us awake.

28- My mind was full of horrid thoughts .

29- These thoughts were strong cues to stealing behaviors.

30- My second thoughts are exactly the same.

31- His thoughts profoundly influenced the medieval worldview.

32- The latter investigates both actions and thoughts .

33- thoughts are causes and conditions are effects.

34- thoughts are cause and conditions are effects.

35- A mental diet involves only thinking positive thoughts .

36- The thoughts expressed are simply my own.

37- We need each others ideas and thoughts .

38- Can you string slightly complex thoughts together?

39- NFL stars that jumped ship began having serious second thoughts . There were so many books and periodicals to be read, so many abstruse thoughts to be thought.

40- We felt that his thoughts were simply too earnest to abridge .

41- Second thoughts are best.

42- He is radical in thoughts.

43- He was thinking se thoughts.

44- He put his thoughts on paper.

45- His thoughts are empty of idea.

46- He reflected on his own thoughts.

47- He turned his thoughts toward home.

48- Her head was full of airy thoughts.

49- She put down her thoughts on paper.

More Sentences: 1234
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