thousand in a sentence

Use ‘thousand’ in a sentence | ‘thousand’ example sentences

1- The charging pressure found international immigrant thousands .

2- This evolutionary process was completed around six thousand years ago.

3- Facebook mounts four thousand photographs every second.

4- This fee was quite expensive thousand years ago.

5- One thousand five hundred six hundred bidding?

6- The sharks alone are each worth several thousand dollars.

7- Nothing was missing accept 50 thousand signatures.

8- The highest production recorded was fifty thousand annually.

9- Shale gas deposits are generally several thousand feet below ground.

10- By 1900 daily production was 2 thousand tons.

11- It already had been flown five hundred thousand air miles.

12- They alleged 150 thousand euros exchanged hands.

13- By 1846 approximately 200 thousand copies had been sold.

14- The seven hundred thousand pounds had gone!

15- The collection includes several thousand mammal specimens.

16- The 15 scientific collections contain 430 thousand specimens.

17- The population is around five thousand three hundred.

18- The service sector has created several thousand jobs.

19- The towing company charged 20 thousand pulling fee.

20- She has helped thousands regain vibrant health.

21- The percentage per thousand is fairly constant .

22- The tactics were ten thousand per cent right .

23- This was worth another seven thousand dollars .

24- The unit is worth several thousand dollars .

25- Salary is $120 thousand plus employer match retirement system.

26- About 30 thousand pairs are bought each week.

27- A software licence costs several thousand dollars.

28- A full six thousand years had passed.

29- The result is thousands of sales mapped every week.

30- These networks may carry many thousands of conversations.

31- A young couple ran off with twenty thousand dollars.

32- The money was divided among thousands of plaintiffs.

33- A video is worth a thousand words.

34- Several thousand demonstrators march towards the precinct station.

35- This is thousands of nuclear power stations.

36- Those compilations sold many thousands of copies.

37- A single gene may be many thousand letters long.

38- Plot 2 was designated contacts at twenty seven thousand yards.

39- One thousand cubic centimeters equal one liter.

40- Sometimes four primary thousands increased mining to harm through. More than one thousand additional publications are accessioned annually.

41- She has two thousand books.

42- I have only five thousand yen.

43- He has, say, fifty thousand yen.

44- I gave them one thousand yen each.

45- He has at least one thousand books.

46- There were toward a thousand people.

47- The audience was close to a thousand.

48- I paid two thousand yen for the book.

49- He paid at most ten thousand dollars.

50- He gave me a ten thousand yen rebate.

More Sentences: 1234
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