than in a sentence

Use “than” in a sentence | “than” example sentences

151- He had no clothes other than what he was wearing.

152- The translation of the French novel took him more than three months.

153- He had no sooner got the letter than tore it in two.

154- He was more interested in politics than in economics of the labor dispute.

155- He knew better than to tell the story to her.

156- No sooner had he seen it than he turned pale.

157- No sooner had he done it than he began reading.

158- He knew better than to say such a thing.

159- He knows better than to believe such a thing.

160- He knows better than to make such a claim.

161- He has no more than , yen.

162- He is better than any other player in the team.

163- He is no better than a fool.

164- He’s much younger than Tom.

165- He’s much younger than Tom.

166- He’s shorter than Tom.

167- He hates falsehood more than anything else.

168- My mother gets up earlier than I.

169- My mother was no less angry with me than my father.

170- My hat is bigger than Jim’s.

171- He likes tennis rather than basketball.

172- He did the work better than anyone else.

173- He has much more money than I have.

174- daveoilyHe is little better than a beggar.

175- He is wiser and more careful than Bob.

176- He is hardly more than a lad.

177- He’s two years older than Mary is.

178- He has no more than dollars.

179- He had no more than , yen.

180- He has no more than one hundred books.

181- He is able to run faster than I am.

182- He is less healthy than he used to be.

183- He studies much harder than before.

184- He is now better off than before.

185- He came a little earlier than he used to.

186- He is better off than before.

187- He is nothing more than a clerk.

188- He has more books than he can read in his life.

189- He tried more than once, only to fail.

190- Exhausted from a day’s work, he went to bed much earlier than usual.

191- He was more than a king.

192- He is more shy than timid.

193- He is nothing more than a coward.

194- He was no better than a yesman.

195- No sooner had he met his family than he burst into tears.

196- He eats nothing more than fruit.

197- He can sing better than any of us.

198- He had taken to drinking more than was good for him.

199- He does far better than you do at school.

200- He knew more than all the school put together.

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This site is designed to teach you English words in context with collocations with the help of example sentences.
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