thanked in a sentence

Use “thanked” in a sentence | “thanked” example sentences

1- Everybody except him thanked the critic for her honest opinion.

2- I thanked him for the nice present.

3- I thanked him for helping me.

4- I thanked him for lending me a book.

5- I thanked her for her kind hospitality.

6- I thanked him from the bottom of my heart.

7- She thanked him for his kindness.

8- He thanked me for coming.

9- He thanked his host for a most enjoyable party.

10- He thanked me with his eyes.

11- They knelt and thanked God for sending them rain.

12- They thanked God.

13- Everybody except him thanked the critic for her honest opinion.

14- n???He thanked her for her kind help.

15- She thanked him with all her heart.

16- She wrote him a friendly letter, and thanked him for his help.

17- She thanked him for his helpful advice.

18- She thanked us for our help.

19- She thanked me for the present.

20- The old lady thanked me for helping her across the road.

21- I thanked Mary for her help.

22- Benjamin thanked the groom and told him to return to the chateau.

23- Elisa thanked Antonietta profusely for her hospitality.

24- He thanked Tony for his unflagging energy and support.

25- He thanked us all without a touch of irony.

26- Hereon, let’s thanked Zhao Jin again for his excellent speech.

27- I declined and thanked her telling her scoot off to school.

28- I never thanked him for his kindness.

29- I thanked her and she withdrew back into her parlour.

30- I thanked her for the present she sent me.

31- I thanked him and hurried back to the hotel to rejoin the others.

32- I thanked him with a lump in my throat.

33- In his speech, he thanked everyone for all their hard work.

34- She said goodbye and thanked us for coming.

35- She thanked the President to exalt her.

36- She thanked the staff for their dedication and enthusiasm.

37- The bridegroom thanked them all individually.

38- They thanked him for showing so much patience.

39- They were very grateful to be put right and thanked me profusely.

40- We thanked our hosts for the lovely evening.

41- There was a quaver in her voice as she thanked her staff for all their support.

42- But while Corden thanked the loyal hard core, he did not criticise the floating fans.

Related Words:
thalidomidesthalliumthalliumsthanthanethanesthankthankedthank forI’ll thank you to doonly have yourself to thanksomebody won’t thank youthank Godthank goodnessthank heavens

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