thankfully in a sentence

Use ‘thankfully’ in a sentence | ‘thankfully’ example sentences

1- thankfully the arm is still highly versatile.

2- The weather thankfully was dry but very cold.

3- thankfully the historical town centre was preserved.

4- thankfully bottled water is readily available and cheap.

5- This terrifying backwards plunge was thankfully much easier accomplished than anticipated.

6- The glossy finish was not too shiny either thankfully .

7- thankfully , wider lenses are becoming available.

8- thankfully , both cruises were smooth sailing.

9- thankfully none of my fears were true.

10- thankfully no major damages have been caused.

11- thankfully the client never seemed to notice.

12- Any information given will be thankfully received.

13- thankfully this story has a happy ending.

14- Your support is most needed and thankfully received.

15- thankfully business is more interesting than that.

16- And he had never said it more thankfully .

17- thankfully those coaches are far and few in between.

18- thankfully everything was resolved in this installment.

19- I was thankfully back to feeling great.

20- He commented that this fear was ” thankfully ” unfounded.

21- thankfully directors have increasingly acknowledged our contributions.

22- The program is thankfully easy to use.

23- thankfully the wait has proven worth it.

24- Emma is thankfully still sleeping in her car seat.

25- thankfully the officer only sustained minor injury.

26- There is a lot more regulation in football thankfully .

27- thankfully my husband prefers my hair natural .

28- It is alive and real and thankfully pretty small comparatively.

29- Serious injuries or assaults with weapons are thankfully very rare.

30- Arizona thankfully has given me that opportunity.

31- thankfully all these incidents had happy endings.

32- thankfully , things are starting to turn around.

33- thankfully , that limit is quite gracious.

34- thankfully the old posts weren’t lost.

35- thankfully , that risk has paid off.

36- But his question was harmless, thankfully diverting.

37- thankfully , no drunken college pictures appeared.

38- I am now pain free, thankfully .

39- thankfully , trade continued along the illegal trade routes.

40- thankfully , lack of parish resources made such action impossible. Last year’s accident is now, thankfully, a distant memory.

41- 661659thankfully, adulthood has changed my hair and my perspective.

42- The second, thankfully, was fully furnished and two of us rented it.

43- And, thankfully, his was a voice that didn’t take itself too seriously.

44- 661729thankfully, there’s just about a week to wait to see Episode VII.

45- “thankfully my jumpmaster manages to pull my ripcord at around 4,000 feet.

46- thankfully, Philippe Reines, a senior adviser to Clinton, was able to help.

47- “I had a perfect yardage on the last shot there and a good lie, thankfully.

48- thankfully, she’s going to be OK, said conservation officer Robert Johnston.

49- “Obviously something that we don’t see in Vancouver a whole lot, thankfully.

50- thankfully, today’s global journeys are infinitely safer and more comfortable.

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