thankful in a sentence

Use ‘thankful’ in a sentence | ‘thankful’ example sentences

1- We are truly blessed and extremely thankful .

2- The thankful receiver bears a plentiful harvest.

3- I am thankful that holidays are coming.

4- Religious songs are proper expressions of thankful praise .

5- Being thankful involves both humility and memory.

6- I was thankful that trees have strong roots.

7- I was really thankful for my escape.

8- I am very much thankful for this site.

9- Paige had never been more thankful for the darkness.

10- I was very thankful for my parishioners patience.

11- We were so thankful the boat ramp had been cleared!

12- Behind thankful praise must be a thankful heart.

13- Behind thankful praise must be a thankful heart.

14- I am very thankful for your product.

15- Be thankful that products have nutrition labels.

16- People who are more thankful have less physical illnesses.

17- We should be thankful for small favors.

18- We are very thankful that he is alright.

19- We are all thankful for many different reasons.

20- I had no pain and am thankful !

21- I truly am thankful for his care.

22- They were all touching “” thankful and happy.

23- And even more thankful for big ones.

24- I am thankful to still be alive.

25- I am so thankful for unexpected life.

26- Her family is thankful she is still there.

27- Bridges has been very thankful for the letters.

28- I was very thankful for this kind gesture.

29- Ace was thankful the touch was not completed.

30- Which is great and I am thankful .

31- I’m thankful to finish 6th.

32- Be thankful and bless His name”.

33- The champion was exhausted , but thankful .

34- I am thankful for ya’ll generosity.

35- At ten I am thankful to retire.

36- I am very thankful and I appreciate their customer friendly attitude.

37- I’ve always been thankful for him.

38- We are thankful that he is alive and unharmed.

39- Just be thankful your skull wasn’t fractured.

40- Bennett was thankful that retirement was only two years away. I am thankful for my family.

41- He is thankful for your kindness.

42- We are thankful for your kindness.

43- She was thankful that her husband had returned safe.

44- He was far from thankful to his former teacher.

45- zipanguI’m thankful to you for your helping me with my homework.

46- I know you’re complaining about your car being totaled but it’s just a good thing you weren’t injured.

47- You should be thankful to be alive.

48- But it’s also a time to remember all that we have to be thankful for.

49- The 35-year-old, of Hockley, Essex, said she was thankful to be alive.

50- thankful to have been able to pray and talk with his family this week.

Related Words:
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