teachings in a sentence

Use “teachings” in a sentence | “teachings” example sentences

1- Are both teachings the inspired, inerrant Word of God?

2- He followed the teachings of his guru fanatically.

3- The teachings of Zen were encapsulated in short statements.

4- The number is highly significant in all esoteric teachings.

5- The Roman Catholic Church has issued a compendium of its teachings.

6- Never before had its teachings been so scientifically and poignantly questioned.

7- Islam was inspired by the teachings of the spiritual leader Mohammed.

8- Such teachings are very recondite and need considerable study to understand fully.

9- It emphasizes moral teachings and collective ceremonies.

10- Our vision touches ancient teachings and modern technology.

11- There are thousands of similar bizarre teachings floating around society today.

12- We rarely hear anything about moral teachings .

13- It probably is someone whose teachings we admire greatly.

14- This was done partially through old teachings and partially through visions.

15- Some hear various kinds of teachings 5.

16- His teachings are based upon determined principles and clear basis.

17- His teachings about life are really worth following.

18- Such teachings are extremely hard to prove.

19- Her inspiring teachings remain relevant even today.

20- Some tutor services specialize in specific teachings .

21- The teachings are given freely since they are considered priceless.

22- His beliefs were based on religious teachings .

23- No exceptions are noted in our teachings .

24- What is the emphasis of institutional teachings ?

25- They may give contrary instructions or teachings .

26- All faiths contain wisdom in their teachings .

27- Contrast with those teachings a different doctrine.

28- These teachings became my first three books.

29- Church teachings that guide us are very clear.

30- In published medical works my teachings are either ignored or attacked.

31- He spiritual teachings were initiated by his father.

32- The thread of proactive defence is spun throughout his teachings .

33- They unanimously declared that his teachings were false.

34- Even mathematics had a religious impulse behind its teachings .

35- The number is highly significant in all esoteric teachings .

36- Some religions have specific teachings relating to wisdom.

37- The second part presents teachings on the redemption.

38- They call his teachings simple and childish.

39- The teachings of the bible are horrifying .

40- His teachings are also a mixed bag.

41- These teachings are now available to everyone.

42- This distinction is made clear in Catholic teachings .

43- Then we may discuss His teachings together.

44- What are key life teachings of Christianity?

45- His teachings are foundational to Asian cultures.

46- The practice’s teachings are available for free download online.

47- The manuscript gives 114 “secret teachings ” of Jesus.

48- What teachings support your practice? 13.

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