teacup in a sentence

Use “teacup” in a sentence | “teacup” example sentences

1- Goldblum, himself looking prim with a porcelain saucer and teacup in hand, says he found this wildly touching.

2- I just want to go on the teacup ride and take it easy.

3- I refill her teacup once, twice.

4- A teacup should stand in a saucer.

5- It’s just a storm in a teacup.

6- However, it’s a storm in a teacup.

7- Both are trying to present the disagreement as a storm in a teacup.

8- But Mr Tait described the row as a storm in a teacup.

9- He watched her tremulous hand reach for the teacup.

10- His anger was unreasonable, a storm in a teacup.

11- Others sink in what outsiders might regard as a storm in a teacup.

12- She won’t be angry for long; its only a storm in a teacup.

13- Their arguments were like a storm in a teacup.

14- What is it all about? Nothing serious , just a storm in a teacup.

15- Carelessly, I knocked my teacup over and the tea went all over the tablecloth.

16- I never felt such heat!” the teacup said.

17- They both liked antiques and pottery and especially teacups .

18- They are pouring pretend tea into the teacups .

19- In her hands was a small bouquet of pink teacup roses.

20- The teacup on the desk begins to shake.

21- The daddy raised his teacup to his lips.

22- He also likes dogs that fit into teacups .

23- Storm in a teacup springs to mind.

24- She considered herself clairvoyant and offered teacup readings.

25- Mrs Browning put down her teacup and cleared her throat.

26- The girl stares at the teacup , her eyes wide.

27- She bent forward to return her teacup to the table.

28- This really is the most incredible storm in a teacup !

29- Chris paused with the teacup halfway to his lips.

30- Teacher Did you say” the teacup “?

31- Plant the remaining teacups in the same way .

32- teacups , nearly empty, rattle against saucers.

33- Has an obsession for collecting, anything from teacups to souls.

34- It seems like the perfect little teacup to start the day .

35- Turkish Delight – A typical spinning ” teacup ” ride.

36- I could have balanced a teacup on my knee.

37- Tuppe raised his teacup in both hands.

38- Wow … what a storm in a teacup .

39- What a sweet moment of bliss cradled in this tiny teacup .

40- She crushes her teacup and uses the pieces to free herself.

41- Gaily stared into his cold teacup , anxiously.

42- The bag flys open, and the teacup rolls out.

43- The annual event is organized by the local teacup Quilters.

44- Again , this appears to be another storm in a teacup .

45- Choose the size braid that fits with your teacup .

46- Suddenly the whole bay seemed reduced to the size of a teacup .

47- The poison was in Litvinenko’s teacup .

48- Despite this storm in a teacup about one piddling registrar job.

49- Shih Tzu teacup puppies have become attached to soft beds.

50- Place the pieces inside the teacups equi-distant from each other.

51- Tip : choose alpines or small-scale plants for your teacups .

52- It is the perfect companion to our teacup Pincushion !

53- I recognized it; it’s one of our teacups .

54- Her arms were plump and mottled, fat hands cradled the teacup .

55- Akane: (soothingly) The teacup poisoned you.

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