teacupful in a sentence


Use “teacupful” in a sentence | “teacupful” example sentences

1- He went into the kitchen and swallowed nearly a teacupful of cold water.

2- This process goes on until you have about half a teacupful of ravel left.

3- Cook gently for a minute , then add the tomatoes, tomato purée and a teacupful of water.

4- How to use : 6-8 drops in a small teacupful of warm water two or three times a day.

5- Winston poured out nearly a teacupful , nerved himself for a shock, and gulped it down like a dose of medicine.

6- It was the grocer told us we ought to put treacle in the pudding, and also about not so much ginger as a teacupful .

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